Rand Now up to 6th in newest national CNN poll

Joeinmo Wed, 12/23/2015 - 17:47

That's up one place from last month



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jobby's picture

Once again, this poll only includes people aged 50+.  I find this good news, however, as he is moving up with the "elders".  I just wonder if they included the whole spectrum what his numbers would be like.

Shonn33's picture

He has been introducing a flurry of bills to show he means business, while calling out the phonies in D.C. He hasn't accepted a dime from wall street, and most of my family will vote for him and given $20.16...unlike RP Sr. most people I know are going to vote for RP Jr..Rand will win Iowa...I got a pool going at work he will prevail in Iowa...Oh how in the world does does donut man that wants to start WWIII have anyone dumb enough to back him...I still love RP sr!!!!


"Justice is indivisible, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". MLK

ecard71's picture

I can't help but think that Rubio slipping since the last 2 debates have had to do with Rand calling him out. Maybe because I'm partial, but Rand did call him out as being Anti-Conservative and being in line with Hillary and Schumer on both of the last 2 debates. He's also spread this on news interviews as well and coincidentally enough, he started slipping in the polls.


BTW - the link you provided seems broken, so I added mine.




Liberty Pastor's picture

I really hate it when a site (in this case, CNN) says, "If you use this site, you agree to our terms and privacy policies." I just want to read. I don't want to make comments.

Obviously, I closed the window and didn't read a thing! Phooey on cnn.com!

"...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17

mwstroberg's picture

Bush and Rubio are tied for 2nd, making Rand and Carson tied for 4th.


ecard71's picture

Good catch my man! Thanks for that!


Edit - No actually, what I'm seeing is this:

Trump 39%

Cruz 18%

Both Carson & Rubio Tied at 10%

Christie (barf-WW3-barf) 5%

Paul 4%

Bush 3%


Are you looking at CNN's poll?


bort's picture

Unless of course Jeb falls below the line.  Then they'll make an exception (while still leaving Rand out).


ecard71's picture

that the main stage would only include 6. The latest cnn poll shows Paul in 5th place, ahead of Bush who's now in 6th. But you know how those things change, so take it for what it's worth.