I miss Fishy and Smudge. Do you? Vote

crabacado Mon, 01/11/2016 - 07:31
I miss them too
89% (47 votes)
I am cold hearted and don't care
11% (6 votes)
Total votes: 53

Such awesome people and their postings...

Do you miss them too?

crabacado's picture
About the author
A man who chops his own wood is warmed by it twice


father_abraham85's picture

But I miss Mark Twain and Thomas Paine more.

It ain't about "What You Got"; it's "What You DO" with what you got.

ATruepatriot's picture

She's on board and hopefully we will hear from her soon. I am really looking forward to updates about the local situation up there! That situation needs to be kept on the radar screen!

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

crabacado's picture

I too felt the MN presence... my guess? Donald something or other

and yeah, Smudge stank ios abound, just a little less so

I went to Fishy's site, but no link to contact....so feeling a little empty there

A man who chops his own wood is warmed by it twice

The Cat's picture

have more than one account and screen name here, right?  ; )   

 Please do me a favor and post the link for fishy's site.  I didn't know she did one.  Thanks.


ATruepatriot's picture

In reply to both Cat and Crabby...I can ask her to contact you if you like? I can contact her and let her know you are asking about her over here? Out of respect for her privacy I cannot give out her contact info, as it should be of course. :)

Update: I emailed and let her know that folks were asking about her and were having trouble finding a contact button on her site. I also gave her the link to this thread and invited her to come participate if she has notion. :)

Fingers Crossed :)

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

crabacado's picture


I can't find a contact link to reach out to her, can you?

A man who chops his own wood is warmed by it twice

Anne's picture

hopefully we can all gather again together after being scattered to the four winds.  

"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

The Cat's picture

Didn't you mention somewhere that over 200 people signed up in the early stages?  I suspect many of our friends are here but, perhaps they are experiencing problems logging back in after logging out.   Danton did a post about that and I am having that same problem.  Maybe others just don't want to go through the hassle of having to request a new password every time they want to log back in and are here lurking, maybe waiting for something irresistible that catches their interest that makes the hassle of requesting new passwords every time worth it to them.

You've done an amazing job with this site, Anne.  I see great potential for huge success.  Having said that, I also think people aren't going through the hassle of requesting new passwords because they mostly see the same kinds of things on the home page.  Hey, I love Rand but, to devote most of the  home page to Rand, with a few posts on Bundy, doesn't do it for me and probably doesn't do it for the others, either. We lived through 2008 and 20012 and learned a few things about how the selection (vs. election) process works.  Not saying you shouldn't have posts favoring Rand on the front page.  Just saying many of us have moved past the cheering section.  Maybe mixing different, unrelated, interesting topics on the home page might help.  I don't know.  Just a thought.

Smudgie, I believe, was here under a different name.  That Nigerian post was right up his alley and was written in his style.  I recognize Nystrom's style here, too.  Several others have also changed their screen names, wanting to start fresh on a new site and a new journey.  You've got the makings for it (fresh start, new journey) here, Anne.  It just takes time and motivation before our friends become active here.  I mean, over 200 signed up.  You have to ask yourself where are they and what are they waiting for and make the changes that will get them to log in.

Not criticizing you, Anne.  You've got your hands full.  Just trying to be helpful.  Take it for what  you think it's worth, even if you think my comments here should be tossed in the junk heap.  Anything worth having takes time.  Thank you for building a new home for us.


harley9883's picture

This is not directed to you personally Cat, but just some additional food for thought, for others.

Sometimes, when persistent enough, we actually get what we want. And after receiving it, it doesn't always turnout to be what we were hoping for. 

To kill any movement before it gets started, is quite simple;

  • Create a new site for the old PL members to migrate to, but miss-out on what the old site was really all about. 
  • Allow the same select few who clearly helped destroy the PL, through their bullying behavior to manipulate political discussion toward Rand and Rand only, and then let them take hold of your new site on opening day, with the same behavior.
  • Then allow the main starting topic of the site, be a horrific cesspool of criticism about someone (MN) who was not only well respected, but very much loved by most, who were still at the PL.
  • Allow such criticism to continue without abatement, and chastise only a lonely voice or two, who expressed their outrage, in colorful language (justifiably).    

Yes, I know, these select few, have finally toned it down. They've finally gotten the message. And in their heart of hearts, they all know who they are, and what they've done. BUT, the destructive damage done to this site, has already been done. The site's reputation clearly established.  And when this election cycle ends for Rand Paul, so will be the end of 'A Call to Paul'.

Michael Nystrom, a rather brilliant guy, clearly foresaw the Rand Paul movement would never take hold on a national scale, as the Ron Paul movement did. And above all, he understood why. The DP site was old and worn out, so MN decided to close it down. The DP community, begged him not to. 

He was smart enough to understand if we all wanted stay connected as a community, we had to move PAST the Pauls'. He discussed this openly with us all. Being a great guy, and sympathetic to the Rand Paul folks, he created the PL with a special Rand tab for the Rand Paul folks. But, oh no, this was NOT good enough for this select few. They wanted the whole political discussion to be about Rand, and Rand only. And they pushed and pushed, heckled and heckled, until they broke MN will to continue.  

Anyone who brought up Carson, Cruz, Trump, etc etc, where heckled to death. Well, the truth is, the end results are, you folks got what you wanted, and it's a kind of lonely place here, isn't it.  

Time, ALWAYS tells the truth. And simply put; 'IF' the PL was really all about true-blue Rand Paul folks only, this very site would be flourishing by now, wouldn't it? But it wasn't ALL about Rand Paul, as most here are finally realizing. 

And to Anne I say; it's too bad you didn't finish this site eight months ago, when you first started it, so all the Rand Paul folks could have to flocked here back then. Who knows, just maybe, the PL might still be operational, and flourishing in a different liberty direction, as envisioned by MN!

REMEMBER: It is wise, to be very careful, of what you wish for, because you might just get it!     



Joeinmo's picture

your wrong

if anybody thinks Rand is any different in what he believes from Ron you have been 100% manipulated not by Rand Paul supporters but the likes of infiltrators trying to destroy the movement and Rand being a success.  While Rand's approach is a more inclusive approach than Ron's - what he believes is 100% the same.  I'm sorry I just believe the whole I have inside info that MN claimed to have -,it's not believable.

you can dream on and on and on if you think anyone in the Liberty movement will have the impact the Paul's have - the Libertarian Party is a complete joke and will go nowhere, Cruz is a fraud, Trump is in it to spin it.  

The Daily Paul was great, I thought Popular Liberty was lame and boring, but the only reason the DP was great is that the people recognized we have to get behind one person to speak for us.  When you diffuse that, you get a diffused message that goes nowhere.  I like C2P because 


TheTaoistTroll's picture

A Paul can only begot a Paul, after all.

Those who are; are those whom are not.

The Cat's picture

Getting behind Rand as our liberty candidate is a good thing to do.  But (here it comes), do you think we could be heard over the MSM and their mesmerized viewers droning distortions on and on?  Do you really think for a minute the RNC would even allow a Rand Paul nomination and give him more consideration than they did Ron and his delegates?

I wholeheartedly agree that we owe the Drs. Paul a debt of gratitude for standing up and speaking out.  Many of us will stand together with them and continue to speak out, because we know it is a moral obligation and we can't go along with the agenda and  give up our Liberty without a good fight.  But, as far as our helping  a Dr. Paul succeed in getting the GOP nomination in this presidential election, well... "Insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  Keep fighting the good fight with the Pauls, Massies and Amashes, Woods, Napolitanos, etc. but, let's not delude ourselves about Rand having a fair chance this time.

That's why a liberty site has to focus on more than only Rand Paul.


Libera_me's picture

If we had enough liberty folk in Congress, vetoes could be overridden. One might even make an attempt at denying Executive Orders and passing Articles of Particulars for our Supreme Court Justices (Elena Kagan, you're first!). We could also deign to not participate in the Presidential hooplah, and work for more local liberty candidates, such as the governorships. After all , we all believe the Tenth Amendment should be upheld with the rest of Bill of Rights, correct?

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

Joeinmo's picture

but here is the thing, I don't care what the RNC thinks, they are dying off and old, I actually know an RNC member who was a Romney delegate and told me the other day that he thinks Rand is the best candidate to beat Hillary and he tells it like it is. He used to ridicule Ron, he doesn't do that with Rand, I see that as a huge step forward.


The Cat's picture

I didn't express myself clearly, if anyone thinks I want to put a damper on Rand's bid.  That was not what I intended.  Remember the stupid reaction of many when Rand endorsed Romney?  Clueless.  They whined for a while (some are still whining about it) and then took their toys and went home.  Just freaking clueless.  What I fear is that same kind of  clueless, "deer in the headlights" reaction when Rand doesn't get the nomination.

I see this bid as another brush fire (a big one) that TPTB must put out and they will pull out all stops to keep it from spreading.  It's not that Rand can't win. (He can, given a fair fight.)   It's that TPTB can't let him win. (There can be no fair fight when they are involved.)  It was the same with Ron, except that this time around, Rand is actually fighting back. (Good on Rand! )

What I'm saying is to absolutely keep this brush fire going and continue to set and/or help fuel others.  Just don't start whining and pack it in and go home when this big brush fire gets put out with flood waters.  Don't think it's about winning this election.  It's about winning the war for the restoration of our Liberty.  Battles will be lost along the way but, keep fighting the good fight.  That's how we make those huge steps forward.

 "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." (Samuel Adams)

I hope this clears up the seeming confusion people got from my comment above.



ATruepatriot's picture

I too was upset because so few were looking at the bigger picture. These are all small battles in the long term campaign for Liberty. No matter what happens in the short term it is important to keep trudging along in the right direction and we will get there sooner or later.:)

Very well stated...Thank you for the clarification!

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

ecard71's picture

last go round because he was "too extreme". Those same voters will consider Rand this time. All that compromise, selling out, or whatever you choose to call it, was done for a purpose. Rand has managed to obtain party support that has eluded his father in the past. That Romney endorsement was not free.

There were also the ignorant ones buying into the whole racist newsletter thing with Ron. Rand has reached out to the black community very publicly as the ONLY Republican to do that. They'll have a hard time with that one.


ecard71's picture

and truly didn't care about winning, otherwise he would have done what Santorum did to get his rightful win when so much obvious fraud was being perpetrated.

Rand on the other hand has been preparing for a couple of years now and unlike Ron, Rand WILL FIGHT. That Romney endorsement WASN'T FREE. Rand's in it to win it. It's not solely about the RNC. Rand has a platform to speak out on as he's been doing.

And yes, we all know Rand doesn't stand a FAIR chance. That being said, Rand knows he does have a legitimate shot at winning this. It's still early and many on the "top tier" can come crashing down as they're not exactly boy scouts.

Do you really think for a minute the RNC would even allow a Rand Paul nomination and give him more consideration than they did Ron and his delegates?

This, is frankly giving up before even giving Rand even a chance. For right or wrong reasons, we can all agree that Rand is NOT his Father. Yet he is in line with him 99% and probably 100% but can not openly disclose it due to the party and public perception. Rand's walking a fine line, but when push comes to shove, Rand will not remain silent and Rand will fight - count on it. You should also take into consideration the threats made by Trump and Carson on leaving the party if certain rules are adhered to at the RNC. Time will tell, but with Trump probably not getting many delegates, Carson, Cruz being a natural born Canadian, and Rand having some Republican support - it's still up for grabs.


ATruepatriot's picture

Even though this post from Cat reads like we should all just give up and throw in the towel I would like to point out that Cat's posts this morning have been very positive and uplifting. It is important to recognize the credit due for this.

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

ecard71's picture

Which is why I only replied to this one.

I agree that doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results is lunacy (tell that to a coin flipper - lol). However, Rand's campaign is being run and handled differently than Ron's was, and due to that fact, I think it's unfair not to even give Rand a chance. Rand fights with reporters, where on the contrary, we all know Ron would respectfully end the interview. We won't be silenced this time around. Rand's a smart fellow (he had one of the best teachers), and I don't think he's being given enough credit. And this is not solely directed towards Cat, but more so towards those that don't see any difference this go round other than trump simply because "Rand can't win".

No, I've read Cat's other posts & he/she's cool in my book. Nothing necessarily wrong with disagreeing with someone. I agree with Cat's last statement; "That's why a liberty site has to focus on more than only Rand Paul."

But that being said, IT IS election time (an important one at that) and it's important we promote the liberty candidates that are offered when all  MSM does is promote the Neocons and Plants.


Ron Aldof's picture

I don't feel this is a lonely place. I look it as a place to expand. Bringing up Cruz, Carson, Trump, Sanders? Those names need and continually need scrutiny. Why is it any word contrary to them is bad? But, post contrary to Paul were allowed and pushed? Anything brought to the PL was open for debate. I see it as whiners that could not take others in a different direction, directions which we were showed by a great man as Ron Paul where wrong. These where the individuals liable for the reason the PL shut down. We know what is right and what is wrong. We know the flimflam, and once knowing? Where we supposed to reverse and forget? Bring up Trump, Carson, Sanders, or Cruz. Push NeoCons, Fascists, Socialists, or Statists. But, do not tear when the truth is shown.

If you are outnumbered in your argument, maybe it is the persuasion and facts that need to be regurgitated and explained in a different light.

Peace Bro.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

Anne's picture

And that's ok.  However, if content isn't as varied as someone would like then they need to log in and add to the conversation. 

We have had to date approx 375 sign ups and 4 of those in the last 24 hrs.   So we are still slowly expanding. 

I'd say a good 90% seem to have no problem at all, but about 10% of you all end up with difficulty accepting automatic emails from this site.  Yahoo in particular has blackballed my site as spam because when we started a few weeks ago we had a huge influx of sign ups and some sites thought our automatic email system was some sort of spam.   So, I've had to go try to get that label reversed.  Yahoo is one of the hold outs that I still get email rejected back to me.  I'm looking to install Site Verification Module which may help. 

What I've been doing in the meantime is personally emailing anyone who seems to be having trouble and resetting their passwords to something more permanent until they take the time to change it. 

Passwords you get from an automated message are for one time only and so you have to set a permanent password before you sign out the first time. 

If anyone is having trouble at all, email me at anne@acalltopaul.com and if your email matches the one on file with your user name I will send you a new password and help iron out any issues.

I really am sorry if anyone is having trouble

We've been up three weeks and I'm still ironing out problems and configuring new areas.  I'll write a more detailed post of my plans for new areas and growth in a day or so, just so everyone knows what's up and what's commin

You guys are great!  And I certainly welcome any reports of bugs, troubles or constructive criticisms.  We'll get to where we wanta go eventually :o)


"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

Debbie's picture

no complaints.   I find it to be very informative and covering a good variety of important and interesting topics.  Thank you.

Liberty brings people together - Ron Paul

Isabella sj's picture

I love it that I got a private email telling me I had a message. I didn't know this was done manually. WOW u are the bomb! :} Oh boy, did I use a tag word and now the taliban, isis, sisis, isl, toilet paper, NSA is coming for me. OMG! Thanks, Anne

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more. https://youtu.be/3eA4OHW8v2k https://youtu.be/mgm8qYEFKwc

Libera_me's picture

I have had the same difficulty with the 'log in- log-out' thing, so I just stay logged in. But I too recognized the style of Smudge Pot (aka Hot Dog Guy) and User 1. There seems today to be some varied information, and not just Rand news, I presume people post what is 'hot' so if Rand is the hot news, he gets the press.

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

ATruepatriot's picture

Refreshing to see a logical and objective view of the "Bigger Picture"!

"There seems today to be some varied information, and not just Rand news, I presume people post what is 'hot' so if Rand is the hot news, he gets the press."

Absolutely! It is just that plain and simple...

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

ATruepatriot's picture

And he is fishing...I hope he catches something! lol

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!