Latino American: Build The Wall!

JD Wed, 12/07/2016 - 14:51
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mwstroberg's picture

new Berlin Wall have anything to do with liberty? Increasing legal restriction on immigration is empowering big government, is essentially endorsing fascist despotism. If you think about it, it is not only immigrants that these laws oppress, it is native born citizens who wish to house, employ or otherwise associate with immigrants who will be victims of these restrictions. What are calls for big government doing on a liberty site?


Reality's picture

The word illegal!!!! Obviously you didn't forget you just can't bring yourself to say it and face the reality.

Wall isn't needed if those who employ the illegals were pointed out and fined for hiring illegals. Maybe hang out at the local Home Depot and film those who are hiring the illegals and expose them. Then the wall wouldn't be needed but since that isn't happening, BUILD THE WALL!

mwstroberg's picture

according to an unjust statutory law. What I care about is what is legal according to natural law. How do you feel, for instance, about "illegal" medical marijuana use, or "illegal" raw milk sales? The issue is identical. Simply standing on the "wrong" side of an arbitrary line called the "border" violates no person's rights. You probably don't call yourself a libertarian, but, you may occasionally give lip service to the free market. How is it consistent with supporting the free market to have the federal government employ violence to prevent a business from hiring whomever they wish to? Once upon a time it was "illegal" in this country to sell or drink an alcoholic beverage. Do you believe it just and proper that someone violating that law may be imprisoned or even killed in order to enforce the law? Think about it, and try to change your muddled ideas.
