Reason Interview with Rep. Thomas Massie.

Ron Aldof Wed, 03/02/2016 - 10:31

Massie states he will #StandWithRand and #VoteRand in the Kentucky Caucus. Says no one left in the field of candidates are Libertarian.

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Ron Aldof's picture
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#IStandWithRandAndLiberty! Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom. Trump is working with the Establishment.
J1walters's picture

Why don't the most constitutionalist representatives get together before the GOP primaries/caucuses and team up and fight back. I just don't know what it's going to take to get our ideas off. People seem to feed of populism regardless of what the message is.

DjPe5h's picture

"Massie: I’m most pessimistic about the national debt and the fact that when interest rates return to normal levels, 5 percent interest on $20 trillion $1 trillion a year. That’s bigger than our military budget. It’s actually our entire discretionary spending combined.

Reason: We’re spending about $4 trillion a year, so if [debt payments go] up to that, that’s 25 percent off the the top of the budget that will just go to pay for money we’ve already spent.

Massie: Of the $4 trillion, $3 trillion of that is for entitlements. There’s $1 trillion that funds the things that people think about, like roads and bridges, NASA, and the military. That trillion [in debt payments] will wipe out all of the things that Congress actually votes on. Because I don’t see any will to change the entitlement programs right now. "

"There are also unknown unknowns. The things we do not know we don't know." ~DHR

free_your_mind's picture

as far as I'm concerned. This guy is true and a rock solid supporter of Liberty. I would support him in a presidential bid at some point. In the meantime, I plan to donate to his re-election and I hope others reading this can send him a few bucks, too.


Ron Aldof's picture

I'm looking at him to replace McConnell in four years. Rand should endorse him. I will drop a few bucks his way.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.