Is it Constitutional to give Israel financial aid?

harley9883 Fri, 01/08/2016 - 10:12
1, Yes, it's within the legal parameters of the Constitution.
5% (1 vote)
2.) NO, it's NOT within the legal parameters of Constitution.
77% (17 votes)
3.) Rand Paul supports it, so it must be Constitutional!
18% (4 votes)
Total votes: 22


harley9883's picture
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Donald Trump's picture

I would protect Israel so much, they'd be so safe it would make your head spin. But the OP is taking some serious incoming! Very randfesive!


The Cat's picture

Why single out Israel? 

I may be simpleminded but, imo no foreign country should receive aid from us.  If a foreign country requests aid in the form of weapons or our military's presence or whatever, then it should be debated in Congress to determine whether or not such aid is best for our own country's (and most especially for our own citizens') interests.  If yes, then payment from that foreign country to cover the costs of such aid must be required.

On the other hand, if aid is requested for the citizens of a foreign country because of some real disaster (i.e. earthquake, tsunami, etc.), then some sort of fund should be set up for that instance (and ONLY for THAT instance) where individuals may donate money, food, clothing, medicines or whatever,  if they choose to do so.  The American people used to be the most generous people in the world, until their own government left them so strapped that many can no longer afford to be so generous anymore. 


BaneMaler's picture

I disagree that any foreign aid, using taxpayer money is either helpful or is Constitutional.  It can be argued that foreign aid is a form of defense (I believe this to be nonsense).  It is important to understand that Rand wants to eliminate 100% of foreign aid, even to Israel.  If you want to repeat liberal BS here then you will out yourself as a hack for the DNC.  Ignoring the fact that socialists in America only succeeded in taking over this countries domestic policies by incrementally chipping away is a misunderstanding of how ideology can be achieved over time rather than all at once. 

Rand has backed off an all out abolishment of all foreign aid in order to slowly chip away against countries that despise us and who's interest actually includes inciting their people against us.  Seems to make sense to me.  A lot of "libertarians" like to wear the purist as a badge of honor, however I will propose that these folks are in actuality demagogues or lacking any strategy to move the ball forward.

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