Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Infowars Cyber Attacks Exposed

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 08:48

Alex Jones talks with Dr. Steve Pieczenik about the cyber attacks on Infowars and where he thinks they might be coming from and Dr. Pieczenik breaks down how the Bush/Clinton dynasty is over and done with.

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"I bow my head to the beauty of music, the Blues carry my soul." - Johncarter44 https://www.youtube.com/user/johncarter44
Danton's picture

Alex; who alternates between patriot and controlled opposition; will never openly criticize the Zionist State (NOT the Israeli People) and its blatant  imperialism in the middle east, and insidious involvement within the US political system.

Steve Pieczenik; while giving insightful, spot-on analysis, yet by his very credentials and past associations may simply be co-intel.

BOTH: make a strong case for Trump, and I am NOT quite sure what to make of him in the long run: "Enemy of my enemy is my friend"?

Check out Craig B. Hulet...been listening to him for years...and the media "moguls" have kept him out of the limelight. The interview includes conversation with a long-time social-activist, Dick Gregory, who I met decades ago...His "definition" of the term "fan" is simply outrageous, funny, and thought provoking.

Thanks for posting this....certainly thought-provoking.


stm's picture

their apparent support of Trump. Trump is going to just go in and clean up the govt then leave? That statement in the OP's video left me wondering.

I listened to the video you linked to, Danton, and think what Hulet said a more likely scenario. I'm less sure that Jeb will be the nominee as Hulet surmises, but then your video seems to have some age to it.

Laugh. It makes you feel good.

Danton's picture

...he labeled it: "The Age of Powerful Men", and I tend to believe his view on this.

Times of chaos,and/or revolt, and the resultant dysfunctional government lead to a "coup" of sorts, wherein the people will readily accept a "leader" who exhibits a direction and strength that the populace yearn for.....Trump fits the bill.....history is full of these instances....many of them plotted and planned in advance.

And  although one may wonder whether he will "fix" everything and then leave? Hardly the case.

We have an elected body of representatives who are all suckling at the teat of the K-Street Lobbyists. These "representatives" have largely been dormant, inactive, and cruising along while feathering their nests for now and for their future. Trumps election would certainly be a wake up call to them as their bank accounts would certainly be threatened.....that's all they really care about.

 This same legislative body would most likely attempt to "hand-cuff" Trump, perhaps impeach him, or worse yet....assassinate him.

That might lead to open rebellion by the populace, but as Craig Hulet has pointed out....there aren't many "men of action" out there, it's as if everybody has been castrated and made docile. It took a major incident in Ferguson Mo. to eventually get the minority population moving in protest....the police are way too powerful these days, and much more dangerous.  

That's why "they" want to confiscate our weapons...maybe not this generation....but the next generation is being "groomed" towards a "distaste for firearms".

Yes, America, as we once knew it, no longer exists.

It's gonna be Trump or Bush in any case....all else being a sideshow.  And that's not even considering Hillary....we are in deep shit.
