
The Rebel Poet's picture

Definitely The Trumptard. Seeing how shamelessly they prop up his campaign makes me realize just how gullible voters are.


VR's picture


All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
Immanuel Kant

henry9's picture

How did Aaron die?....and others.

I am not afraid. I am for those not prepared.


Just me's picture



deacon's picture

who for prez do the top labor unions back?

 could it be? Bush,clinton,obama?

 as far as fighting for a living wage???

 the unions make the prices of everything go up,when they vote for a higher wage,that price gets passed along to the consumer,it is not absorbed by the company who pays that higher wage,could this be why a new shitty vehicle costs as much as a house does now?

 Now,even with unions most of a vehicle is made in a foreign country...under cheap crappy living conditions,when these workers complain,they are replaced by others,now,has the price of anything gone down??

 certainly not!!,these companies,with the full backing of higher ups union bosses keep the price the same or higher,and the union bosses and top corp execs sleep together

 As far as "does this make him anti union" that is speculation,and you threw that in there knowing full well it was false,but did try to pass it along as some sort of truth,that is,if it floated long enough

 and this from you,i heard it from some other people,reminds me of a song,heard it friend who,heard it from a friend who,said you were messing around,that would not be admissible in court,as it is hearsay

 The fact is,the unions try to force workers under their banner when the union does not have that power to do so,workers in a right to work state gets the same pay,same benefits,and at times get union representation,the unions should not have the power to force anyone into their fold just to extort a portion of their wage. I can tell first hand stories of the way the workers were treated by the top union bosses under the UAW,such as a lower wage,lower standard of living,higher health ins costs,but the union bosses have their Cadillac plans,and after half of the hourly rate cut,the higher ups still take the same amount out of every bodies paycheck.



Just me's picture

"What if" speech before congress.


MarcMadness's picture

And appreciate your perspective as well. Certainly a candidate like Rand will always be at a major disadvantage when it comes to media coverage, and it's an uphill battle for anyone fighting for truth and liberty. At the same time, I think we can all recognize many of the major flaws in Rand's campaign which have led to the fizzling of what had been an enthusiastic base of support from his father, and with that he has lost much of the potential money and effort that would come from much of that base. 

All true with Cruz, I don't buy that he's a liberty candidate for one second, but those Paul endorsements sure have been milked for everything they're worth, and seem to have helped convince at least some portion of liberty activists. 

and yes, it's absurd that the MSM acts like Christie and Jeb are "top tier" while acting like Rand will be the next to drop out. I think Carson and Jeb will be done while Rand still stays in the race, whether that's just before or just after Iowa. 

Appreciate your perspective and thanks for listening!

Live long...and live free


MarcMadness's picture

It would be spectacular if he won, and I think he's got a much better chance in Iowa with the caucus format than he does in NH. Then again if he somehow won Iowa NH would be much more within reach. 

Live long...and live free


Anne's picture

And they have been accelerating atoms for 40 years or more, zooming  around their 4 mile ring and smashing them into other objects and studying how they spin off etc.

CERN is a larger example of what we have had for years. I think this video is a mix of truths and untruths and it will take some intelligent discernment to weed out what is real and what is not. 

"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

BaneMaler's picture

Another candidate obsessed with poll numbers.  The guy has the money and his commercials are running all day, are positive, and people like him.  To allow this chaos to take hold sit late in the game is suicide.  Ben appears to have been Herman Cain'd.  Just hoping he hangs around in Iowa to grab some of the evangelical split.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

BaneMaler's picture


Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

JayEm's picture

Thanks for the link. I really like Catherine, I've seen her many times on USA watchdog and I really think she is very bright and sees what is going on in the world in a very good overall view. What I mean by that is that she sees the problem as both a financial and a humanitarian problem and that the solutions have to come from both aspects. I have never seen this video and even though a few years old now, a lot of what she talks about here still rings very true today..A must see.

It's better to look dumb and not be, than to look smart and not be.

chicagodude's picture

Who wrote this? I like it.


DZdownUnder's picture

Acting the Fool in front of fools does not equal charisma!


DZdownUnder's picture

Rand following the Donald, Lol, Trumpy, and others have been stealing most of Rand's slogans and arguments, Everyone is following Rand!

