
mechanix's picture

Rand took Rubicon to the fence! Rubio isnt doing his job he has missed close to 100 votes compared to Rands few?

Wiseburn's picture

I've been going to the DP/PL for well over 8 years.  I rarely create new posts but occasionally add comments, especially on technical issues, strategy, etc.  I loved the wide range of alternate news I could find.   I volunteered in '07 and '12 and look forward to supporting Rand this time when things start up on the west coast.

ATruepatriot's picture

I was also shot down for being compassionate and thinking of others man. New beginnings is a very good way to look at it sir.

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

Libera_me's picture

the Ministry of Propaganda or the 4th branch of Government (the MSM) will be sure to push the 'security' line again.  I'm thankful Rand is there to fight this junk.

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

Ron Aldof's picture

I've had a feeling there were people sitting outside the PL that would have liked to have joined. When I brought it up I was shot down. Basically told to keep quiet.

Welcome to a new beginning.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

Joeinmo's picture

kinda with a modern link to the Paul's .


I like it






rob_aur's picture

It's not like trump is talking nonsense... Kerry said that if the Iran deal wasn't signed the reserve currency was in doubt.


Joeinmo's picture



Anne's picture

Glad we got that straightened out

"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

Joeinmo's picture

control grab of Internet, and people are suckered into believing it's about stopping increasing rates of bandwidth or who gets what bandwidth...just propaganda, it's about control by the government


Joeinmo's picture

thanks this site is awesome


Anne's picture

I've got a few issues before I tackle the scrolling banner but I'll make a list so nothing gets forgotten

Thanks for the heads up though!


"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

JacciC's picture

Glad to have a place that can take up the mantle of DP/PL.

Thank you, Thimbleberry!

Freeman15's picture

Beautiful site. Thank you very much Anne/Thimbleberry, you rock!  It's starting to feel like home already.


ATruepatriot's picture

Be ready for a membership rush...there are hundreds who were orphaned like myself years ago who were reading but not participating over there. This news will be just as refreshing to them as it was to me!

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!
