
just-here-being-me's picture

Your question doesn't add up. By the way, I love your posts, they're very passionate. Have you ever considered free markets? I mean free, unregulated, untaxed, free markets?

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

just-here-being-me's picture

Us patriots are keeping quiet. We're watching and learning. We're looking for weaknesses in the system. The thing is we're too drunk to find it. Let me quote the late great Colonel Sanders who said " I'm too drunk to taste this chicken".

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

just-here-being-me's picture

then all LEGO's have reason to worry.

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

just-here-being-me's picture

Live your life man...... experience the failure and defeat. Embrace everyones' ignorance and party on! Sorry for telling you what to do.

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

autarchist's picture


If they own us as property, they are our masters, and their will is our law. If they do not own us as property, they are not our masters, and their will, as such, is of no authority over us. - Lysander Spooner

just-here-being-me's picture

He doesn't know it. Give him some slack. Free market economics dictate an organic order. Supply and demand. Get it?

"I smoke out of spite" - Bill Hicks

The Pen's picture

That the campaign for liberty is over for President, but that it must soldier on beneath the dark wings of where sunlight once shone. How much more time do we need? Does having liberty for President inspire? By the time the next usurper ends term, if terms still be, an incrementally-corrupted appointee will shamelessly take and oath to that which they publically had shown of a well-tempered sacrificial token, before laying their curse on that which few perceive a benchmark of where religion remains complicit to the political corruption and carries on so.

Patriots Unite!

The Pen's picture

That the campaign for liberty is over for President, but that it must soldier on beneath the dark wings of where sunlight once shone. How much more time do we need? Does having liberty for President inspire? By the time the next usurper ends term, if terms still be, an incrementally-corrupted appointee will shamelessly take and oath to that which they publically had shown of a well-tempered sacrificial token, before laying their cursed hand on that which few perceive a benchmark of where religion remains complicit to the political corruption and carries on so.

Patriots Unite!

BaneMaler's picture

Rand just getting another zinger against clueless Christie. The campaign for Rand is over for President. Go support the Senator or someone in your state locally. The campaign for liberty must soldier on.

If a strong 3rd party candidate comes forward throw them a bone. I wouldnt be opposed to Ventura at this point if we have to have a celebrity.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

BaneMaler's picture

Rand just getting another zinger against clueless Christie. The campaign for Rand is over for President. Go support the Senator or someone in your state locally. The campaign for liberty milust soldier on.

If a strong 3rd party candidate comes forward throw them a bone. I wouldnt be opposed to Ventura at this point if we have to have a celebrity.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

Zagabe's picture

That man is epic.


golocal's picture

"Traffic stop", to call it that is taunting.

golocal's picture

I think Rand was being facetious.
imo, Vote for Rand if you vote in a primary and he is on the ballot, then, let it go and put your focus on the Congress.
After the election there may be a pro-freedom contingency big enough to defend the Constitution and check the power of the Executive Branch. My view of Trump is that he is not bad intentioned but delusional and narcissistic and therefore easier to manipulate. If a pro-freedom force in Congress can take control and push him toward more liberty, the wealth quotient will literally bloom like a lotus and Trump can puff up and take credit and we all WIN!

free_your_mind's picture

for me, too. This is just unbelievable that a website, supposedly, dedicated to Ron Paul and Liberty is not only endorsing but feverishly working to rope all of us in to support Trump even though Ron Paul has not endorsed him.

And, you're so right. These people really don't understand what their namesake has fought for and continues to fight for...Liberty.


BaneMaler's picture

Thats all i had to read from a supporter responding to the news. Torture is always a deal breaker. This is considered high crime on a national stage. This is how all the current crop disqualifies themselves.

No one at RonPaul.com understands the basic principles of liberty. It is abhorrent that they claim to speak for the liberty movement.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs
