America’s Crisis – Death of Logic and Objectivity

StandUp4Liberty Fri, 02/09/2018 - 23:19

Trump famously said that if he shot a person on 5th Ave, he still wouldn’t lose any supporters. Shocking as it may be, he was quite right. Of course, on the other side, WikiLeaks emails didn’t really sway any Hillary Clinton voters. The discourse in America has become extremely divisive and partisan. People live in their own ideological echo chambers where critical thinking doesn’t exist. However, the problem goes beyond politics –

States Are Knocking Down Gold and Silver Barriers

StandUp4Liberty Fri, 02/09/2018 - 23:09

In 2017, Arizona, Louisiana, Virginia, Texas, and North Carolina, and even Minnesota made progress on the sound money front. In 2018, other states could do so as well.

Tomi Lahren To Dreamers Threatening To Leave — ‘Okay, Bye!’

JD Fri, 02/09/2018 - 18:33

Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren had a serious burn for illegal immigrant “Dreamers” threatening to leave the country Friday: “bye!”

The issue of permanent status for recipients of former President Obama’s executive amnesty has been a major issue since last September, when Trump ended the program. The president left a six month period of protection to encourage Congress to find a resolution.

How does the stock market affect ordinary people?

JD Fri, 02/09/2018 - 12:37

Most people who do not own shares will be largely unaffected by short-term movements in the stock market. However, ordinary workers are not completely unaffected by the stock market.

Trump Reacts to Sen. Mark Warner’s Texts with Russian Lobbyist

JD Fri, 02/09/2018 - 12:26

President Donald Trump commented on a story about Sen. Mark Warner’s texting “with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” who also had ties to Hillary Clinton.
“Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” Trump wrote, referring to the Fox News story.

CNN Hacks Suck

learnfromfounders Fri, 02/09/2018 - 12:02

CNN Hacks are at it again!! CNN Hacks at 5:25 is pathetic....."Phony Interest Rates And an UNWINDING OF THE FED'S BALANCE SHEETS" is what Rand said....CNN SUCKS bunch of assholes


JD Fri, 02/09/2018 - 10:44

Former White House aide Rob Porter, who recently resigned amidst controversy regarding alleged spousal abuse, played a key role in the suppression of information to President Trump – namely, articles published by Infowars.
