I added ads

Gardener Sun, 02/18/2018 - 06:42

I turned on the Google ad at the bottom of pages a few months ago to help pay for the site. It's making .01 to .02 per day from impressions. Not enough so I put an Amazon ad at the bottom right side (Liberty DVD set) which will generate income after you click the ad and then put items in your Amazon cart. Adblocker will block the ad if you can't see it. You don't need to buy that set but Amazon will give a percentage of anything you buy.

Are We Being Modified For The Smart Grid?

StandUp4Liberty Sat, 02/17/2018 - 02:59

From Max's post

"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell


JD Fri, 02/16/2018 - 20:33

‘Our children are sitting ducks in gun-free schools…’

Lawmakers in various states have launched proposals to arm educators after a mass shooting this week left 17 dead at a Florida high school.

In the Sunshine State, where suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz carried out his rampage Wednesday, legislators are drafting an amendment to a bill which would legalize the carry of firearms on school grounds.

Chuck Baldwin: The Trump Presidency: A Repeat Of G.W. Bush

The Rebel Poet Fri, 02/16/2018 - 18:45

The Republican Party claims to be “pro-life” and “the party of smaller government.” President Donald Trump claims to be “pro-life” and for “smaller government.” It’s all a pack of lies.

EXCLUSIVE–Rand Paul: Is Our Military Budget too Small, or Is Our Mission too Large?

JD Fri, 02/16/2018 - 14:37

Is our military budget too small, or is our mission too large? Since 2001, the U.S. military budget has more than doubled in nominal terms and grown over 37% accounting for inflation. The U.S. spends more than the next eight countries combined.
