Confidence of Dems, MSM Heading Into Midterms Similar to 2016

JD Thu, 11/01/2018 - 10:34
Early Voting By Young People Is Up 500% In Some States – And That Is Really Bad News For One Party

George Washington Said that Political Parties would DESTROY OUR REPUBLIC...

pawnstorm12 Wed, 10/31/2018 - 07:04

And so they have.

It matters not which of the two traitorous parties is in power.

Nothing essential has changed since the RINOS have controlled both the congress and the presidency.



Indonesian Flight Carrying 189 Crashes Into Sea

JD Mon, 10/29/2018 - 18:35
Tommy Robinson supporters sing Owen Benjamin’s, “How they rule ‘ya”
Tommy Robinson freed on bail as court orders retrial

Republican Party Headquarters Shot Up; Media Calls it “Vandalism”

JD Mon, 10/29/2018 - 16:21
Thousands Of Americans WALK AWAY From The Unhinged Democratic Left—InfoWars
The Caravan Of Distraction America Doesn't Want

Ya know, if you get an electric probe up your ass you will say anything they want you to say...

pawnstorm12 Mon, 10/29/2018 - 15:48

And I suspect these types of methods - used on black men by the Chicago police department to get them to admit to any crime the cops charged them with - still goes on today.

So when a suspect like the fake "bomb" mailer is asked in the courtroom if he understands the charges against him says "Yes" - with no equivocation - I have to wonder what he has been through since being arrested.
