Virginia State Proposes Bill that Would Allow Termination Until Moment of Birth - Red Elephants Video

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 01/30/2019 - 22:01

You never hear anyone ask about personal responsibility.  You’re an adult, you can have all the sex you want but don't get pregnant. If you do, well, life is unfair, and you must live with the consequences and make the best of it. But that is asking too much. I have a longtime friend who accidently got pregnant at 23. She married and tried to make the relationship work. She ended up having another child; however, she finally divorced.

Hell has frozen over — seriously--Drudge

JD Wed, 01/30/2019 - 16:03
I'm Pro-Gun (2nd Edition) | Change My Mind
PROTESTER SCREAMS Then Rethinks : Change My Mind | Louder With Crowder

New World Record--Mark Dice

JD Wed, 01/30/2019 - 11:33
Hillary Running AGAIN in 2020?
The Daily Wrap | Mark Dice Asks People To Signup For "White Privilege Tax"
