Tucker Carlson - 1st Amendment vs Social Media (5/3/19)

johncarter44 Sat, 05/04/2019 - 07:59

Big Tech has launched an attack on your rights.

The Meth Messiah Has Returned

StandUp4Liberty Fri, 05/03/2019 - 22:20

Trump received 3 billion from the Lubavitcher-Hasidic mafia as bailout money, so Trump didn’t go belly up on his debts. Trump’s commutation of Rubashkin is a case of “scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.”




Why Are Christian Adoption Agencies Placing Children In LGBT Homes?

Freedom Express Fri, 05/03/2019 - 16:43

The first article brings awareness to what's occuring, but fails to target anti-Christian Zionist beliefs and followers of DJT, as the reason many are drawn away from Christ's teachings. Pastor Chuck Baldwin, tells us in the second article, how this anti-Christian agenda is pushing atheism/paganism.

Trump U.S. Gov’t. Plan, Dated 23 February 2018, for Coup in Venezuela, Now Leaks Out

Freedom Express Fri, 05/03/2019 - 13:46

I thought, DJT, was a Nationalist, against foreign intervention, like the Iraq War? However, he promotes the agenda of this plan every chance he gets. The WGE(World Gov Entertainment) president is so good at reality TV deception, from acting on the 'The Apprentice', he makes his supporters believe he is still following his platform?

What would be the effects of an expiration date on currency?

pawnstorm12 Fri, 05/03/2019 - 00:39

Below is a link to an article called "An Old Tool to Fight a New Recession: Perishable Money"

written by Stephen Mihm (Bloomberg Opinion Columnist)

Bringing it up for discussion or forewarning just in case anyone in power actually considers this foolish idea of money that expires over time.

Article here...
