Dr. Ron Paul Liberty Report - (7/4/19)

johncarter44 Thu, 07/04/2019 - 16:07

In Liberty!

Lauren Chen--Alex Jones Interview: America’s Most Censored Man

JD Thu, 07/04/2019 - 10:39
Endgame - Alex Jones - Documentary - Full Length Movie  For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination, Operation: ENDGAME - Alex Jones

8-year-old ‘Mini-AOC’ retires from social media after harassment and death threats from critics

Jed Clampett Thu, 07/04/2019 - 08:02

Social media accounts for 8-year-old Ava Martinez, who brilliantly mocked everything from AOC’s claim that the world has 12 years left to her clearly fake photos outside of a migrant detention center, have been deleted after critics were harassing and threatening both Martinez and her family.

Putin: 'liberal ideas' and 'globlalism have failed the West, and are on there way out of favour

Freedom Express Thu, 07/04/2019 - 06:00

The Moscow leader criticised Western views on gay rights, immigration and multiculturalism – which he claimed were an attack on 'traditional family values'. Wouldn't it be nice to have a 'real Christian' President, that valued our traditional values?

Happy Independence Day!

johncarter44 Thu, 07/04/2019 - 05:28

Long live the Republic!

Hispanic Pastors: Ocasio-Cortez And MSM Spewing 'Misinformation' On Border Facility Conditions

Freedom Express Thu, 07/04/2019 - 05:25

Conditions at a Texas migrant detention center recently toured by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are nothing like what was described by the virtue-signaling Congresswoman, according to the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez. 


Trump Unloads On Democrats Over Border Crisis

JD Wed, 07/03/2019 - 17:17
Trump Unloads On Democrats Over Border Crisis  JD's solution: Place our Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Army on the Mexican side of the Rio Grand with their regular combat gear plus tear gas and tazers.
