MUST WATCH: Fight Club's Israeli Spy Producer and The 9/11 Secret!

StandUp4Liberty Sat, 09/14/2019 - 07:40

Please share this with everyone you know before it is removed. The perpetrators are so HUBRIS they have to show off with Esoteric Foreshadowing and Predictive Programming. It might even be more ritualistic, like chanting a spell. Remember, evil operates by deception. It's good to see the younger generation continuing the fight. I couldn't find this video on the Vigilante Intelligence YouTube channel. Looks like it's already shadow banned. People are WOKE!

Tulsi Gabbard got "Ron Pauled" out of the DNC debates because the democrats love wars as much as the republicans...

pawnstorm12 Fri, 09/13/2019 - 16:50
Tulsi Gabbard vs. the DNC: her complaint about debate exclusion, explained
Gabbard argues, unconvincingly, that the DNC’s process for winnowing the debate field lacked “transparency.”
Yeah - ya THINK???
She got "Ron Pauled" out of the debates because:

Tulsi Gabbard on Tucker Carlson (9/12/19)

johncarter44 Fri, 09/13/2019 - 06:17

Non-Interventionist excluded from Presidential Debates.

Former Congressman Took on Israel Lobby, Gets Thrown in Prison for 8 Years

StandUp4Liberty Thu, 09/12/2019 - 20:46

Interview Apr 21, 2014 We Are Change.  The ads in the video are intresting to say the least. Some say Luke is a controlled zio gate keeper. Almost all the alt-right media is controlled opposition. It has been infiltrated, blackmailed or bribed. They give us all anti-left rhetoric we want to hear while promoting the post 9/11 war agenda and hiding and distracting the truth of the zio agenda.

Ben Swann - Reality Check (9/12/19)

johncarter44 Thu, 09/12/2019 - 17:07

Reality Check WTC Building 7 Update

Vegas Shooting Update: New Aerial Assault Video Analysis of up to 6 helicopters on both sides of the venue not on radar

StandUp4Liberty Thu, 09/12/2019 - 06:09

New cell phone video of up to 6 helicopters / aircraft flying East and West, both sides of the concert venue, that have their transponders turned off so they don't show on radar. This many aircraft can only mean this was a high level covert military style / intel government operation. I haven't visited this youtube channel in months and at first thought it was a disinfo site trying to control the narrative.

HEROS OF TRUTH ON 9/11 and what REALLY happened...

pawnstorm12 Thu, 09/12/2019 - 04:51

Here's a (partial) list of those who dare to dissiminate the TRUTH - or question the official              story about what really happened on 9/11, along with some links to their sites.

Because it sure as hell was not the "official" government / mainstream-media account that's now in all the history books.

Please feel free to add more voices of truth if you know any, and I'll add them to this list.


StandUp4Liberty Wed, 09/11/2019 - 20:40
