Hollywood Dunks On Trump Over Disinfectant Injection Gaffe - Breitbart

tpreitzel Fri, 04/24/2020 - 19:19

Hollywood celebrities had a field day after President Donald Trump made comments Thursday about possible treatments for the coronavirus, including using ultraviolet light and a disinfectant.

But in their rush to create a media moment out of the president’s remarks, some of the stars ended up misrepresenting what the president said, falsely claiming that he was advocating for the use of household cleaners, like bleach, which he didn’t do.


Is it just me?

D4L Fri, 04/24/2020 - 14:57

Or can no one else post comments either? 

Edit: I see you JD but still can't comment! Thanks for the advice, will try closing everything out I guess.

Edit 2: Nope, didn't work! Any other suggestions?

Edit 3: Still no luck! Thanks for trying JD I don't know what's going on with this thing. I am using google chrome and since I really haven't used the site I'm a little lost finding my way around or knowing who or how to contact the admin.

Brian Kemp Moves to Re-open Georgia - Breitbart

tpreitzel Thu, 04/23/2020 - 12:25

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said Wednesday he would allow more businesses to reopen in his state during the coronavirus pandemic, despite President Donald Trump’s advice against it.

“I appreciate his bold leadership and insight during these difficult times and the framework provided by the White House to safely move states forward,” Kemp said in a statement on Twitter.

