Tucked away in that omnibus 1.1 trillion dollor spending bill, Congress Wants NASA To Create A Deep Space Habitat By 2018

TheTaoistTroll Wed, 12/30/2015 - 14:44

Congress Wants NASA To Create A Deep Space Habitat By 2018

The next big step towards sending humans to Mars

By Sarah Fecht Posted Yesterday at 7:50am

Inspiration Mars

Mars capsule concept

The nonprofit Inspiration Mars envisions sending humans to Mars in a modified SpaceX Dragon capsule fitted with an inflatable element.

NASA may dream of sending humans to Mars in the coming decades, but the fact remains that nobody's really sure how we'll survive the journey or set up camp on the red planet.

My last unpublished thread for Popular Liberty!

The Pen Wed, 12/30/2015 - 13:44

As I do not have any other place to post the following thread, I offer it up to my new online home/community as a means of personal closure.

The message at the beginning is from User1 (Michael Nystrom) from 2014. I felt it was important to start the thread that way to show that at one time my persistence and advocacy was not so limited (until I started posting threads about Rand Paul in support).

Is There a War on Police, or a War on Us?

VR Wed, 12/30/2015 - 12:21

"There are occasions when a cop is killed just for being a cop. But, this is far rarer than many media reports and statements from police and politicians would suggest."

The integrity of Rand Paul!

The Pen Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:27

I am providing the link below in order to share Paul's optimism about the upcoming debate in January. I really admire how he argues for the other Republican candidates, despite differences of view on many issues. Rand seems to understand that if he is affected by the media bias in practically appointing a candidate, all others are affected as well. I believe if Rand Paul is denied a spot on the main debate stage, he will hold to his stance and not participate.

Sen. Rand Paul Discusses Entrance Criteria For Next GOP Debate

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:14

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul has called for limiting the NSA’s powers even more after it emerged that the spy agency has been snooping on members of Congress.


The Man Who Exposed the Lie of the War on Drugs

DjPe5h Wed, 12/30/2015 - 10:48

Roberto Saviano

Pablo Escobar was “the first to understand that it’s not the world of cocaine that must orbit around the markets, but the markets that must rotate around cocaine”.

George Pataki ends presidential campaign

VR Wed, 12/30/2015 - 08:57

Former New York governor George Pataki told some of his key New Hampshire supporters Tuesday afternoon that he is ending his Republican presidential campaign.


Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Infowars Cyber Attacks Exposed

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 08:48

Alex Jones talks with Dr. Steve Pieczenik about the cyber attacks on Infowars and where he thinks they might be coming from and Dr. Pieczenik breaks down how the Bush/Clinton dynasty is over and done with.

Drug Lies/Myths and Truths. Personal Experience. Why teens turn to Hard Drugs

Rex_84 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 07:30

Good morning my friends.  Funny story.  I woke up about 1 am this morning for a drink and went to do a quick check on our local news site.  This article I came across infuriated me. So I spent over an hour trying to write a response that I could leave in the comment section.  I went to upload and ran into several obstacles.

Do these guys take liberty too far?

crabacado Tue, 12/29/2015 - 23:21

75% (6 votes)
25% (2 votes)
Total votes: 8

**Call to Action** 01/02/16

VR Tue, 12/29/2015 - 23:09

"We are asking all able body men and women to come to Burns Oregon and come prepared." https://www.facebook.com/bundyranch/

Are Primary Polls Finally Predictive? No, but This Is When the Fun Starts

VR Tue, 12/29/2015 - 22:10

"Yes, even with that little time left until Iowa, the first contest of the 2016 race, there’s more than enough time for candidates with little or no support to surge to victory, for forgotten former front-runners to mount a comeback, or for strong and consistent poll leaders to collapse abruptly."
