Halliburton aquiring Baker-Hughes

Ron Aldof Tue, 12/29/2015 - 20:04

Criminals acquiring more power.


Halliburton - Baker Hughes Acquisition

This cop in Concord, NH

crabacado Tue, 12/29/2015 - 19:35

deserves praise

Steven Crowder Destroys Cenk Uygur on 2nd Ammendment

Pil45 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 18:32

I'm usually unimpressed when people claim that someone gets "destroyed" ...but this is pretty good. I've never heard of Steven Crowder, but he does a great job here.


Retro Cold War Guff From the NY Times

DjPe5h Tue, 12/29/2015 - 15:01

A striking example of how dangerously Americans are misinformed and misled by the war party was featured in a major article in 24 December, New York Times.

Fighting the New Star Chamber “Justice”

johncarter44 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 14:37

Some are so intent on gun control that they support alleged anonymous charges, registered in a secret database then used to punish people without access to the charges against them and no recourse to contest — like the Star Chamber of old. Calls to deprive people of their Constitutionally protected gun rights because they have been put on a secret list violates not only the 2nd Amendment but the 6th Amendment’s protections.

Who is the biggest joke in the Republican Party?

johnbernard1984 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 14:34
Chris "Crisco" Christie
30% (13 votes)
"Karl" Marco Rubio
11% (5 votes)
John "cry baby" Boehner
5% (2 votes)
Paul "the clone" Ryan
2% (1 vote)
"The" Donald Trump
32% (14 votes)
Rick "Frothy Mixture" Santorum
20% (9 votes)
Total votes: 44

Drinking tea, shopping at a gardening store is probable cause for a SWAT raid on your home

bytejockey Tue, 12/29/2015 - 12:19

The investigation leading to the raid began at least seven months earlier, when Robert Harte and his son went to a gardening store to purchase supplies to grow hydroponic tomatoes for a school project.


Dr. Ron Paul: End Of Year Campaign Message - Audit the Fed 12/28/15

johncarter44 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 11:35

Dr. Rand Paul is running for President to restore liberty, defeat the Washington machine, and unleash the American Dream for ourselves and for future generations.



Popular Liberty archive now available

mountaincat Tue, 12/29/2015 - 10:31

I keep checking Popular Liberty to see if the site is back up before the scheduled closure. I see Jon has been able to get the archive working here.


I was hoping for a mass migration when a consciences was reached but the storm scattered the lifeboats. I'm glad that I saved a link to this site before the storm.

When I found the Jam Session here I knew I must be in the right place.

POLLS, SHMOLLS.......(Some Interesting Pictures) DON'T BE FOOLED!

ecard71 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 00:15


From Rand's Facebook:

As a personal favor to me, can you donate to my campaign one more time this year? I am trying to raise $500,000 before the December 31st midnight deadline, and am asking for your help. My goal is to get 200 donors from Facebook this evening. Will you help me?

Make a donation for $2,  $5,  $10,  Or Whatever You Can Afford Now.
