G.E. to sell appliance manufacturing division to Chinese owned Haier.

Ron Aldof Sat, 01/16/2016 - 00:49

This will leave one major appliace manufaturer left that is USA owned. Whirlpool.


I believe Rand will be the greatest president of my time -

The Pen Sat, 01/16/2016 - 00:47
Do you believe he would be yours?
97% (36 votes)
Or Do you not believe he would be yours?
3% (1 vote)
Total votes: 37

GOP Debates Are Pure Hawk Without a Paul

mwstroberg Sat, 01/16/2016 - 00:36

missing rand paul.jpg" The Rand Paul-shaped hole on stage on Thursday night left quite an impression"

Rand will be the Republican nominee!

The Pen Fri, 01/15/2016 - 23:48

The fact that Rand took to a national town-hall last night via Periscope/Twitter, therefore turning what easily could have become a detriment into an entrepreneurial endeavor, shows a temper restrained in order to direct it toward a positive end. Rand is the only class on/off that stage. He is a skeptic, inquirer and cautious. And shouldn't we all be a little more that way? I'll be damned if I ever vote for 'the' mindless war candidate. My son will not become the future collateral or asset to murder and the conjuring of hell that war solicits. Yesterday marks a critical day for liberty. Rand just made the mainstream media sensibly irrelevant to undermining his campaign. All he had to do was refuse to accept condescension and the lollipop with hair on it.

Reddit AMA Request

jobby Fri, 01/15/2016 - 22:49

Browsing Reddit, I noticed that one of the top topics was an AMA Request for Rand Paul.  That being a pretty liberal site, I was surprised to actually read through the comments and see how positive they were about this idea.  Supposedly, there has also been a response already on Twitter that his team and he are considering it.

The link is below if you are interested.

I just watched the first Republican debate without a liberty candidate since 2008

Anne Fri, 01/15/2016 - 22:48

2016 has been, for libertarians, basically Rand Paul verses every other Republican—and his opponents are all awful.

Republicans being awful is not new. Republican debates without a libertarian to inject some sanity into the discussion is something we haven’t had to endure for three elections in a row.

This reality slapped me in the face hard last night. (more)

Rand Paul Says He Is ‘Absolutely’ Looking to Win Iowa Caucus

Freeman15 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 21:53

Steve Pope/Getty Images

“So you’re hoping to win it?” the senator was asked.

“Absolutely,” Paul answered.

Rand Paul Gives Media - The Bird.mp3

father_abraham85 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 21:02

^click on me^

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) isn't going quietly after being dropped from the prime-time stage at the Republicans' next presidential debate, literally flipping off the media during an interview.

Least watched GOP debate

freewill2112 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 20:45

Well sure, Rand Paul wasn't there.
