Oregon Update 01/19/16

VR Tue, 01/19/2016 - 16:14




Posted by Bundy Ranch on Tuesday, January 19, 2016




Update: Carson Staffers Involved In A Rollover Accident, 25 Year Old Volunteer Dead

BaneMaler Tue, 01/19/2016 - 16:13

(A) van transporting three campaign volunteers and a Carson campaign employee hit a patch of ice and flipped on its side where it was struck by another vehicle,” said a statement from the Carson campaign. “Three of the passengers, including the campaign staffer (who was) driving, are currently being checked out at Cass County Memorial Hospital in Atlantic, Iowa. One volunteer is being transported to the trauma center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.”


Bill of Rights ‘birthplace’ partially demolished after locals forget house’s history

VR Tue, 01/19/2016 - 13:45

stone-house-Stephen-Bloom-768x768.jpgOfficials in Silver Spring Township, Pennsylvania are scrambling to save face after they inadvertently allowed a local developer to begin demolition on the reputed birthplace of the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Why I, a Liberal Democrat, Would Rather Vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton

JD Tue, 01/19/2016 - 13:41

The Democratic stage is a bit more mirky. There are currently two contenders who have a serious shot at winning the nomination. Firstly, Hillary Clinton: former first lady, secretary of state, and senator. Currently the frontrunner, Hillary Clinton is likely to be the Democratic nominee, for all the wrong reasons. Firstly, Hillary Clinton pry's on the ambiguous voter. That is because she has no ideas. Hillary Clinton doesn't draw any crowds and doesn't bring light to any issues. She hopes that the voter will come to the polls, recognize her name, and vote for her. The only achievement that Hillary Clinton marvels at is being a woman; she must've worked so hard for that. In fact, her womanhood is the why famous celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Lena Dunham support her. However, I do not oppose Hillary Clinton because of the fact that she is a woman, I oppose Hillary Clinton for reasons far worse.

Ted Cruz is NOT Eligible, Accrding to John Jay!!!

Freedom Express Tue, 01/19/2016 - 13:31

John Jay, who was the 1st Chief Justice and created the reach of the Supreme Court, established the 'natural' to the 'born citizen' requirement, which received a unanimous vote! The convention was well established in 'natural law' by the discussion of a Swiss legal scholars book, 'The Law of Nations'. No, real acclaimed Constitutionalist can deny the empirical facts of the Founders, period!

Rand Paul Reddit Update

Isabella sj Tue, 01/19/2016 - 12:23

I just got this response to my inquiry.

e: A Call to Paul

from DEYoungRepublicans sent


Thanks for reaching out. We (/r/RandPaul fans and moderators) are also an unofficial Paul group, so I'm uncertain of the official time it will take place. I imagine that Paul will announce it on his twitter feed and it will take place on /r/IAmA, they have a calendar on the sidebar that shows when official AMA take place.

Good for Rand for putting himself out there

Freeman15 Tue, 01/19/2016 - 10:58
Fox Business News’s decision to keep Sen. Rand Paul off the main debate stage in South Carolina last week manifested more of the bad luck that has dogged Paul throughout his presidential campaign.

A poll taken in the window that FBN used to determine debate participants showed Paul in fifth place: high enough for the main debate. However — through no fault of the Paul campaign — that poll result was not released until just after FBN’s cutoff.

Rand Paul’s Choice to Skip Debate Was OK With Students

Freeman15 Tue, 01/19/2016 - 09:47

Paul has been courting student support pretty aggressively.

Red Alert Politics reports.

Skipping debate boosted Rand Paul’s stock with students

It’s possible that Rand Paul’s exclusion from the main stage of the latest presidential debate may have actually given his campaign a much-needed boost.

Rand Paul to rally at Iowa State on caucus day

LatinsforPaul Tue, 01/19/2016 - 09:38

Rand Paul to rally at Iowa State on caucus day

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul will make Iowa State University his final stop before Iowans cast their vote on caucus night.

Paul is planning to hold an "Iowa 10,000 Rally" at ISU at 5 p.m. on Feb. 1, hours before votes will be cast at caucus locations. Paul's campaign has set a goal of signing up 10,000 students to caucus for him on Feb. 1.

US to Impose New Sanctions on Iran

VR Tue, 01/19/2016 - 09:14

"Just one day after "Implementation Day" of the Iran nuclear agreement, where international sanctions were removed with the certification that Iran had met all of its obligations under the agreement, the US has slipped back into its old habits. Citing Iran's work on ballistic missile development, the US Treasury Departmentannounced yesterday that the US was imposing a new round of sanctions on the country. "
