Last chance I had to kill somebody I didn't

old_creep Fri, 01/22/2016 - 19:22

This probably has no place on your guy's nice Rand Paul forum but I have this highly complex set of feelings about weapons and who should or shouldn't own them or use them or whatever.

See I think I started out as a pacifist but then I got drug into law enforcement through the back door and I ended up being....well technically my title at one point was an Officer but what it really meant was I was a bounty hunter and our agency provided "law enforcement consulting" which means everything from tactical training to directing traffic to picking up dead bodies in the desert and even to "taking down fuges" which is like the guys you see on America's Top Most Wanted and all this crap.

What drug me in was two things:

Mr. "Anti-Establishment" revealed! - Owned by the banks & changing his tune - Again

ecard71 Fri, 01/22/2016 - 18:44

Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz’s campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump’s most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. If Ted Cruz is owned by Goldman Sachs and Citibank because they once gave him a $1 million loan, then Donald Trump is definitely owned by not only Citibank and Goldman Sachs, but also by every name on this list.


Rand Paul on PBS 1/21/16

DjPe5h Fri, 01/22/2016 - 14:42

With a two-week countdown to the first voting in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., joins Gwen Ifill to discuss which special group of voters he’s working to win over, breaking through the Donald Trump media domination, plus why he thinks the GOP front-runner shouldn’t be the next president.

Rand Paul's Iowa Hopes

Anne Fri, 01/22/2016 - 14:34

"Rand Paul likely needs to pull off a very good showing on February 1 in Iowa if his campaign is to have any future. Ron Paul in 2012 pulled 21 percent, and Rand thinks it's not quite conceivable that his father's fans could go for the likes of Ted Cruz, though current polling does not bear out his belief that he'll pull anything close to a Ron-like percentage."

....."However, his student supporters insist that since this caucus is happening, unlike the last one, while college is in session,..."

Felony Friday Podcast Ep. 003: Regina Hufnagel, Correctional Officer to Drug War Opponent

Jao171 Fri, 01/22/2016 - 13:59

In this week’s episode, John Odermatt welcomes Regina Hufnagel from the non-profit group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, better known as LEAP. Regina shares what first motivated her to pursue a career in the criminal justice field and how she grew frustrated after seeing daily cases of injustice during her former career as a correctional officer.

The Daily Show: Keeping Up with Iran

DjPe5h Fri, 01/22/2016 - 13:34

After Iran agrees to limit its nuclear program and release three U.S. prisoners, tensions increase once again when the country captures a group of American sailors.

Trevor Noah takes a few jabs at Rubio and Cruz in this video for being such war-mongers.


J.C. Watts named CEO of Feed the Children

Ron Aldof Fri, 01/22/2016 - 13:26

Image result for pick of jc watts

OKLAHOMA CITY — Former Oklahoma congressman J.C. Watts has been named the new president and chief executive officer of Oklahoma-based charity Feed the Children.

Watts, who in the 1990s became the first black Republican congressman from the South since Reconstruction, now runs a lobbying firm in Washington, D.C. He says he'll remain chairman of that company when he starts his new role Feb. 1 at Feed the Children.


Candidate Casino 'Special Report' - Bret Baier!

The Pen Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:25


I have provided the link below to show that Rand Paul is dominating the corresponding poll @ 55%! Trump comes in second @ 17% as of 10:20am PT. Please vote if you are able.


George Soros says the EU is ‘on the verge of collapse’

Ron Paul Support Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:08

What this SOB up to? There must be a reason why he is saying this?

Billionaire prophet of doom George Soros said the European Union is on the “verge of collapse” as it faces five or six crises at once.

Content in general

Isabella sj Fri, 01/22/2016 - 05:51

My favorite find: 50 YEAR OLD CARTOON PREDICTS THE FUTURE !!! NWO !!!  3,043,795 views  And today no one can say it ain't so. 

