Start Clapping. Twitter police is activated. Finally.

Isabella sj Wed, 07/20/2016 - 05:50

"The Justice Department takes this matter very seriously and will continue to take the appropriate steps to prevent it from happening in the future,"

Trump Contradicts Himself & Implies He Won't Follow Constitution

TruthSeeker1982 Tue, 07/19/2016 - 00:04

Donald Trump and vice presidential running mate Mike Pence were recently interviewed together for 60 Minutes. Trump contradicted himself several times in the interview and made an illogical answer when asked whether he was religious. Perhaps the worst response of all was when Trump was asked about his proposed ban against Muslims from entering the country. Trump implied that he wouldn't follow the U.S. Constitution if it would stop him from making the country safer.

The TSA steps over a new line, Deny Consent!

Libera_me Mon, 07/18/2016 - 22:31

Downsize DC picked up on a story from WREG Memphis that made my blood boil. A young lady who was coming home after her last brain tumor treatment, ready to celebrate freedom from cancer, had some disabilities. She is partially deaf, blind in one eye, and is easily confused. That didn't stop a TSA agent, barking commands at her, from pushing her to the floor and bloodying her head.

FYI -- Republican National IPAC convention -- Cleveland. Periscope update

Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 13:35

Interesting: Sometimes, if using ROKU bits of what's going on outside can be seen on perhaps live feed. "Life matters" hired staff is showing off and screaming. If using internet through computer you see live feed happening now on the streets. Wonder what's being shown on regular cable? And around the world via satellite.

LOL: According to CNN. Donald Trump got to where he is at because of independents.


Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 07:02

Definition: carefully observe their effects in order to learn about something -- from my friend Webster.

Why are we proud to be an American?

Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 06:23

Isn't every citizen proud of its country of birth? Why is this such a Wow-Wow slogan?

Why are we proud to be an American? Because it is where we are born. PERIOD. We have our culture, customs, difference just like every other country.

Does that fact give the military/intelligence and corporations the right to go to another country and tell them what to do? Simply, take over their country? Now, that would be pure "delinquent arrogance". Wouldn't it?

Fox reporting on "Hillary for Prison" banner. Alex Did it.

Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 03:54

Hillary for prison "assault" banner over Repubs convention!.

Might as well have some fun!

Another "lone" shooter for no reason. Shooting leaves two dead at Florida hospital

Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 03:42

This one suspect not described as military (yet)

"There are about 270 million to 300 million guns in the US, about one per person, data show." Convenient statistic reported.

Baton Rouge: Same SOP followed

Isabella sj Mon, 07/18/2016 - 03:35

Age, race, veteran, dressed in black, rifle, death. Still un-reported: bombs materials at home. First reports 3 men in black but one dies.

Baton Rouge gunman identified as former US Marine.

"Long was apparently outraged by the recent police killings of unarmed black men in Baton Rouge and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Long had made the rank of sergeant and served as a Data Network Specialist"


pawnstorm12 Mon, 07/18/2016 - 02:46

What a let-down.

Not that I'm a Trump fan because I was HOPING he would DUMP the GOP and run 3rd party.

Instead, he chooses a WAR-MONGER ESTABLISHMENT IDIOT (who VOTED FOR THE IRAQ WAR) to run along side him.

Like Jesse Ventura said; This is NOT assassination insurance - but rather puts Trump in a dangerous position of being knocked off for the establishment WAR-LOVER who the GOP wants as their puppet.

The endgame to this is so predictable it's not funny.

Draft GOP Platform Echoes Demands From Malheur Occupation

VR Sun, 07/17/2016 - 23:48

"This year’s national Republican Party platform could support turning federal lands over to states. The language echoes some of the demands of the armed occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeast Oregon earlier this year."

George Soros predicts riots, police state, and civil war for America

VR Sun, 07/17/2016 - 22:07

"Billionaire investor George Soros has a new prediction for America. While it might be as dire as it gets for the financial wiz, this bet concerns more than just the value of the buck. According to Soros, there’s about to be an all-out class war."
