New Report EXPOSES 6 Top Republicans on George Soros Payroll

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 19:27

We always knew that there were RINOS in Washington, but just revealed that some of those RINOS are actually traitors.

Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL),Gov. John Kasich, (R-OH),Sen Lindsey Graham (R-SC) , Rep Carlos Curbelo (R-FL). plus more in link

Police Move Against Pedophile Networks Nationwide As Trump Takes Off

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 16:54

NYPD Has Own Pedophile RICO Case Against Clinton – Can Bypass DOJ FBI


JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 16:39

Native Iraqis reveal how they feel about Americans

Mr. Gern, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, posed a question to his Iraqi counterparts, asking them what fate might befall him if he were to travel alone amongst the local citizenry.

Their frank response was chilling, and further supported executive orders signed by President Trump, placing a moratorium on immigration and travel from Iraq and similar regions.

Paul Ryan to Screw Trump and American Workers - NO TAX RELIEF Soon

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 15:06

Start contacting you CongressCritters, and Ryan and demand action.

Trump Floats NEW Immigration Restrictions… Targets Welfare Mooching Illegals

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:55

President Donald Trump has shown no sign of slowing down on his immigration plans, whether the liberals like it or not. In his latest draft for his plan he has targeted another group — and it is exactly what is needed to Make America Great Again.

In plans floated Monday and Tuesday, it appeared the Trump administration was looking to weed out would-be immigrants likely to require public assistance.

Gorka: ‘There’s a New Sheriff In Town, His Name Is Donald J. Trump’

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:29

Assistant to President Donald Trump in the Strategic Initiatives Group, who formerly worked as national security editor for Breitbart News, proclaimed, “There’s a new sheriff in town, his name is Donald J.

Investigation Launched After Texas Judge Wears ‘Pussy Hat’ in Courtroom

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:21

A short investigation was launched after a Travis County judge wore a pink, knitted “pussy hat” in her courtroom late in January causing, some to doubt her impartiality from the bench.

Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt started her session on January 24 by putting on the pink knitted hat that has become associated with the Women’s March protests held the day after Donald J. Trump took the oath of office to become the 45th president of the United States.

U.S. Media Ignore Mexican President’s Ties to Drug Cartels

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:12

U.S. news outlets appear to have forgotten that the Juarez Cartel and multiple acts of corruption have been linked to the election of the current Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto. The Mexican president’s ties to cartels, the mysterious release from prison of major cartel figures during his presidency, and the fact that regions of Mexico are under operational control of these paramilitary transnational criminal organizations during his presidency are rarely, if ever, reported in the U.S.

Joe Rogan Experience #911 - Alex Jones (2/1/17)

johncarter44 Thu, 02/02/2017 - 11:37

Alex Jones joins long-time friend and stand-up comedian Joe Rogan on his wildly-popular Internet talk show for a thought-provoking interview.

The Violent Unraveling of the LEFT: Get Ready!

JD Thu, 02/02/2017 - 10:44

Screw you, Madonna! You DON'T speak for ME!
