Anti-Trumpers Seek Regime Change As They Plan Nationwide Protests

JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 08:21

A group of anti-Trump protesters hopes to revive tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement in November in order to get the president out of office.

New Gov’t Regulations Absolutely Plummet Under Trump

JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 08:09

The pace of new government regulations has plunged in President Donald Trump’s first seven months in office, a welcome relief to businesses and banks that have long pushed for less interference in the economy.

Media Run Hit Pieces Attacking Black Audience Member At Trump’s Speech

JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 07:52

The headline story on the front page of Yahoo the day after President Trump’s rally in Phoenix was a hit piece attacking one of his black audience members.

They’re not alone.

The Washington Post also ran a similar hit piece.

The United States of Stupid-Lionel Nation

JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 07:41

Stupid is defined as having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. And there you have it. Our republic. And let me throw in naive, uneducated, daft, dimwitted, incurious, crazy an bereft of perspective for good measure. How else do you define or understand how confused and angry this country is now? 15:39


JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 07:05

CNN used the voices of a few professors and activists to assert anyone who voted for President Donald Trump is a white supremacist in a news report Wednesday, and to blame these “ordinary” people for the violence in Charlottesville.

Trump voters helped advance white supremacy by giving them room to operate, CNN reported based on the assertions of others in a piece headlined, “‘White Supremacists by default’: How ordinary people made Charlottesville possible.”

Violent Leftist Group Plans To ‘Shut Down’ Berkeley March Against Marxism

JD Thu, 08/24/2017 - 07:03

BAMN is organizing to shut down what it claims is a “Neo-Nazi” rally in Berkeley on Saturday. The rally is titled “No to Marxism in America.” The rally organizer, a biological man who identified himself as a transgender woman to media outlets, claims the rally is not a “right-wing” rally, embraces diversity and is meant to oppose the spread of Marxism in Berkeley.

Charles Patrick Interview with Eyewitness Charlottesville

stm Wed, 08/23/2017 - 22:36

When speaking with friends I said I believed the crash in Charlottesville actually spared the town from the worst mayhem. I had a gut feeling the thugs were waiting for late in the day/nightfall to do their worst damage and judging by what the eyewitness in this interview says, I was correct.
As a truth Warrior, I believe this interview needs to be spread far and wide so it deserves a place on A Call to Paul.
