‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Tattoo Sparks Emergency Room Confusion

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 15:18

A medical team at a Miami hospital wasn’t sure what to do when an unconscious man in need of immediate treatment was brought to the ICU with a tattoo saying not to resuscitate him.

Baltimore PD Call For Federal Investigation Of Detective’s Murder, who's going to testify against other officers

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 15:13

Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis called Friday for the FBI to take up an investigation into the November slaying of detective Sean Suiter.

TheDC Newsroom: Where Is The Justice For Kate Steinle?--DC news

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 15:01

On Thursday evening, Jose Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant and convicted felon who shot and killed Kate Steinle in 2015, was acquitted by a San Francisco jury of murder and manslaughter charges.


FBI Launches Investigation Into Antifa Criminals

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 14:54

The FBI is launching an investigation into people “motivated to commit violent criminal activity” by “Antifa ideology,” according to a Thursday announcement by the organization’s director.

FBI director Christopher Wray announced the investigation to the House Homeland Security Committee, emphasizing the organization was not investigating people for their ideology, but rather crimes committed because of the ideology, reported the Washington Examiner.


JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 14:44

In response to the recent crackdown against RT and Sputnik who saw their TV station credentials recently yanked by the US government, which is rapidly descending into a neo-McCarthyite abyss, Russia’s parliament said it would bar U.S. media from reporting within its walls in retaliation.

Olga Savastyanova of the State Duma told Russian news agencies on Friday that she expects the Duma to adopt the ban next week.


JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 14:41

As news broke that Michael Flynn would testify that Donald Trump ordered him to talk to the Russians during the transition phase between administrations, the left exploded with glee that actual evidence of “Russian collusion” was in sight and it could bring down Trump.

The reality turned out to be somewhat disappointing for them.
ABC News reported that Trump directed Flynn to speak with the Russians “initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.”

Mother of Son Slain by Illegal Shocked at Steinle Verdict

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 14:38

The mother of a teenaged boy who was beaten to death by an illegal immigrant says she is "sickened" by the shock Steinle verdict.

Appearing on Fox News on Friday morning, Laura Wilkerson said that she was "physically sick" when she heard the verdict of Kate Steinle's murder trial, calling it a "mockery."


JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 12:17

Former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has been charged with “willfully and knowingly” lying to the FBI about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador, charges that James Clapper has been able to avoid over 4 years after committing clear perjury when he lied under oath about the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans.

Oxycontin Manufacturer Seeking Mass Settlement With State AG’s

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:50

State attorneys general over their role in perpetuating the nation’s opioid crisis, in a Thursday letter.

This marks the first time an opioid manufacturer has announced their negotiations with state governments about reaching a financial settlement over the cost of the epidemic, Bloomberg reports.

Senate Has Not Voted On ‘Kate’s Law’ Five Months After It Passed House With Bipartisan Support

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:43

The Senate has yet to take up a bill that would toughen penalties for illegal aliens who re-enter the country after being deported, almost five months after the measure passed the House in a bipartisan vote.

In June, the House approved “Kate’s Law,” a Trump administration-backed bill that would raise the maximum prison sentence for illegal aliens caught re-entering the U.S. following deportation and increasing penalties for repeat offenders.

Baltimore Cop Indicted For Planting Heroin To Incriminate Suspect

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:38

State prosecutors have indicted a Baltimore police officer for allegedly planting heroin in a suspects car at the scene of a crash, according to ABC News.

Judicial Watch Says Trump Should Fire Mueller

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:33

The president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch thinks President Trump should shut down special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation after former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea.

Sarah Sanders Responded To The Steinle Verdict By Dropping A MOAB On San Francisco

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:30

In a stunning decision Thursday night, a San Francisco jury handed down a not guilty verdict to Jose Garcia Zarate, and the White House issued an official response Friday morning.

Senate Republicans Say They Have Votes to Pass Tax Bill

JD Fri, 12/01/2017 - 11:03

The Senate is making last minute changes to the tax overhaul bill after failing to get it across the line Thursday night. We’ll keep you in the know with the latest developments.

