JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 15:13

Democrats at the Left’s premier think tank have finally admitted in a leaked memo that illegal immigration is key to their party’s future electoral success.


JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 14:57

Establishment Republicans are abandoning their posts to throw the midterms to the Democrats to derail President Trump’s ‘America First’ agenda.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is the latest Congressman to announce his retirement.


JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 14:55

The revelation that Twitter employees can read everyone’s private messages has prompted some to ask if resentful anti-Trump staffers could leak sensitive information from the president’s own account.

Earlier today, Project Veritas dropped a new undercover video in which Clay Haynes, a senior network security engineer at Twitter, acknowledged that the social media company had the power to do things that were “actually very terrifying”.

Trump’s TV-Show Exposes Democrat Weakness, GOP Unity, in Amnesty Fight

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:46

President Donald Trump’s riveting spectacle of televised bipartisanship exposed the Democrats’ political weakness in the amnesty debate — and also revealed remarkable GOP unity on the goal of ending the nation’s chain-migration system.

Switzerland Rejects Citizenship Bids of Residents Who Have Been on Welfare

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:43

A new civil rights act has come into force in Switzerland that prevents residents who have been on welfare in the past three years from becoming citizens unless they pay back the money they received to the state.

Report: 485 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Undermine Supposed ‘Consensus’ on Climate Change

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:42

A broad survey of climate change literature for 2017 reveals that the alleged “consensus” behind the dangers of anthropogenic global warming is not nearly as settled among climate scientists as people imagine.

Author Kenneth Richard found that during the course of the year 2017, at least 485 scientific papers were published that in some way questioned the supposed consensus regarding the perils of human CO2 emissions or the efficacy of climate models to predict the future.

Tucker Carlson to Trump on DACA Remarks: ‘What Was the Point of Running for President?’

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:34

Tuesday during a monologue on his Fox News Channel show, host Tucker Carlson criticized President Donald Trump for what seemed to be a different approach to how to handle immigration in a meeting that aired to the public with a bipartisan group of congressional leaders on the issue.

Carlson questioned that approach, which was apparently much softer on the issue than what he had run on during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Fusion GPS Admits They Used John McCain to Pass Anti-Trump Dossier to Obama-Era Intel Agencies

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:31

EILAT, Israel — The founders of the controversial opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted that they helped the researcher hired to compile the infamous, largely discredited 35-page dossier on President Donald Trump to share the document with Sen. John McCain.

The goal of providing the dossier to McCain, the Fusion GPS founders explained, was to pass the information contained in the questionable document to the U.S. intelligence community under the Obama administration.

Trump’s Public Meeting With Congress Destroys Narrative That He’s Mentally Unfit

JD Wed, 01/10/2018 - 09:25

It’s become fashionable among journalists and various politicos to discuss whether Democrats should attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office via the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, supposedly because he has become too mentally incapacitated to fulfill his duties.
