If you're for open-borders...

The Pen Thu, 01/21/2016 - 00:55

surely you are for open-gates, rather the ridding of fences that emulate a property-owners privacy. I would like to see a poll that addresses this. If you are for little or no border security for whimsicalities of multiculturalism-fantastique and 'love' for all, then surely you are for tearing down the fences that line your property and welcoming a detriment and destruction to your own rightful privacies.

Something to consider.

Peace and Love always.

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The Pen's picture

Open gates as in allowing refugees. Should we not vet refugees or at very least assess the fact that we can't harbor and give welfare to the crutch that will always be the poorer of this world we cannot fix for all. The poor are so for many reasons, one of those being we haven't the money to give. And if we do not even have it to give, giving it is an immediate detriment to our economy and moralities as human beings. Is it moral to give when you give at the expense of everyone? We are middlemen paying interest on debts we should be smart enough to avoid. We have no power economically or financially when we are 19+ trillion (I'm sure far more with entitlements factored in) in debt and borrowing what will become our children's memory of a once resilient mother and father. It makes me sad to think that I have spent 10 years struggling to pay for what I have and what I've borrowed, only to witness the antithesis of such practice as so demonstrated repeatedly by our rogue government.

Patriots Unite!

Sola_Fide's picture

The OP conflates private property with a national border.  Libertarians advocate for private property and reject arbitrary lines draw on a map.


mwstroberg's picture

Welcome! I am not familiar with you, but it is always nice to encounter someone who sees the issue clearly. Nobody owns all the property in the country, and I am getting sick and tired of people acting like they are some kind of dictator who can make decisions for others about how to use their own property. The US National border is not a property boundary, it is a legal boundary such that those inside of it are subject to the US legal system. It is also, in a sense, a defense perimeter, but people peacefully crossing the border are not violently attacking or invading this country. Also, the border should act as a limitation on the power of the US government, preventing it from exercising its dominion beyond said border.


The Pen's picture

You say, "The US National border is not a property boundary, it is a legal boundary such that those inside of it are subject to the US legal system. It is also, in a sense, a defense perimeter, but people peacefully crossing the border are not violently attacking or invading this country. Also, the border should act as a limitation on the power of the US government, preventing it from exercising its dominion beyond said border." Yet do you not lose sight of the fact that defending a border or boundary is preventative in that it would financially and militarily restrain our government it's wayward foreign interventions. If more resources and monies were allocated to defending this nation, then boundaries or borders are restored to legal ones. Ours is neither legal or defensive, rather illegal and aggressive. We exercise dominion well and it needs to end. 


Patriots Unite!

Anne's picture

A border prevents other governments from expanding their domain and exerting its restraints and control over land in any of our border states.  Other governments have their own idea of individual rights, property rights, and governmental supreme power.  Our borders prevent other countries from claiming jurisdiction here.

Dissolving borders doesn't mean that other countries won't try to expand their own.

it is a legal boundary but it is also by definition a property boundary. 


"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

mwstroberg's picture

Neither myself, nor any of the libertarian open borders advocates that I am aware of support the idea of any social welfare spending at all, neither to refugees or other immigrants, or, for that matter, to the 30-40 times as much welfare spending on native born American citizens.

Your proposal of providing welfare to immigrants, but saving money on it by outlawing some of them from entering the country, makes about as much sense as providing Social Security payments to retirees, but saving money on it by outlawing any of them from entering a Social Security office, thus preventing them from signing up.


The Pen's picture

"Your proposal of providing welfare to immigrants, but saving money on it by outlawing some of them from entering the country..." - I never proposed providing welfare to immigrants, for it already occurs. And I do not care about saving money on it by 'outlawing' some immigrants from entering this country, as you can't truly save what isn't yours. If we borrow $1 million dollars a minute (as Rand always states), we are unable to provide much of anything to them, let alone money we don't have.

Patriots Unite!

stm's picture

who you allow onto your property.

NB: this is in reply to MW's post way on the bottom of the page, I though I hit 'reply' first. Oh well....

You've claimed over and over that you should be able to allow any foreigner, because it would have to a foreigner if the govt was keeping them out, into your home and that you would determine who that is yet you have never said how you would make that determination. Use your criteria and apply that to a govt - that's how the govt can vet.

What you let be known in your reply to MC way up top, is that you are an anarchist at heart, that no govt at all is your goal. This discussion isn't really about borders for you, it's about the erradication of govt. Unfortunately for you, people will always look for leaders. I became aware of that when I was about 11yo and watched the dynamics of the group I was hanging with. There's always been one who stood out of the crowd, one who the others in the group specifically sought out to give direction of some kind, even something as ridiculous as which movie to see that afternoon. I remember this one incident from high school in particular - we were trying to decide something - the something I don't remember - but a couple of people said that we had to consult X first before we did anything. I blew up, yelled that we don't need X's input on everything, that we had our own minds.... but I was dismissed, they were going to wait for X. X finally shows up and is asked blah blah and to my absolute satisfaction X said they didn't need him to tell them what to do. I knew X better than any of them really, and I knew he was sick and tired of being to go-to guy, but he had that... charisma or whatever it is that made people see him as something more special than they are... except me. In my eyes, X and I were on par. But I don't look for 'leaders', I lead myself. That, though, is rare. So very frickin' rare yet you assume the majority seek self reliance, have the confidence in their own thoughts, words and deeds - NO. Watch The Seven Samurai again, or for the first time if you haven't, watch how the farmers seek someone to protect them. Most people are like those villagers. They need something over them. 'Government' of some kind will always be created. And if you think a group of anarchists will ever get together and rules won't be made and that no one will stand out out even amongst you all, you truly live in a fantasy world. Either a group seeks out a leader of a leader emerges from a group - this is what my observations since being a 12yo have confirmed again and again.

This country does have a Constitution and no matter how bad it is, and I know aspects of it are terrible, the fact that it's totally dismissed by the politicos in office is what is causing the havoc in the political scene and therefore in this country.

We do have a culture here in America yet you look at what's happening in Europe now that they've allowed a very different culture to flood its borders and you seem to think that good. It's an open border after all, so it must bring with it the highest and noblest ideals. pffft

Let's look at what happens when a free-for-all is sanctioned, in these cases by a government:

Since implementing multicultural policies, Sweden has become the rape capitol of the West where the incident of rape has increased 1,472% with 80% of those rapes committed by immigrants.

Across Europe no-go zones have been set up by immigrants.

In June, last year, a school issued letters to parents advising them that their daughters must dress more modestly because 'the sight of too much skin' was offending Syrian refugees.

And the latest 'news', migrants were assaulting women at a pool in Germany, masturbating in public and defacating in the kids' pool and are now banned from the facility.

But you try to make 'open borders' sound like a Heaven on Earth. Where is that place? If you can look at what's happening in Europe and tell me that 'open borders' are creating robust and sound societies and improving the economy then I'll tell you I got a lovely snow-covered bridge to sell to you.

And please don't throw out that tired xenophobic slur. There's good and bad in all communities, cities, countries and cultures but some cultures are just incompatible with others and if you can't admit that then IMO you have no grasp of reality.

On another note, if that person you were so desperate to bring into this country was denied the visa or whatever, why didn't you just move to that person's country since it's obvious you were desperate to be with him/her? I'm taking a grand leap thinking you tried to do this and were denied and that's why you can't see passed your opinion.

Anyway, you can keep your property rights, but I have no problem giving a government the authority to keep those kinds of people out of the country in which I live even if it means you can't bring them in - despite your claim of having superior vetting processes I know you don't because no one or thing is perfect. How dare I, you might ask with all the indignation you can muster. How dare I not, is my reply.


Laugh. It makes you feel good.

mwstroberg's picture

govt can vet."

There is a wonderful book by Harry Browne called "Why Government Doesn't Work," and in it he has a very insightful description of what he calls "The Dictator Syndrome." This is the view that most do-gooders have when they are proposing government action. Basically, they have an unfounded belief that the government will do exactly what it is that they wish them to do, in the manner that they wish them to do it. Now, this may be true, if they were a Dictator, but in reality, it's not true. First, you have to get a legislator to write the bill, and must deal with his biases and desires, then you have to accept amendments proposed, dealing with their interests and biases, until finally the bill, if it is passed and signed into law, does not resemble anything that you originally proposed. And then the actual law is implemented by a bureaucratic government agency that has its own interests and ways of doing things. That is the way government works, it is reality. This is one reason why immigration laws don't work, and, for that matter, why most laws don't work.


mwstroberg's picture

here, stm. While my experiences with immigrants when I lived in California were for the most part good, my arguments here are based on ethical and moral considerations, on principle. I choose to support legal and political structures based, not on my personal self interest, but on what I consider to be right and wrong, according to my own conscience. My girlfriend is a native-born, American citizen, and I have never been romantically involved with a foreigner. I do not consider "open borders" to be, in some isolated fashion, Heaven on Earth. What would appear to us as Heaven on Earth, if we were to achieve it, would be liberty, on every issue, applied consistently. And we will never, never achieve a pure libertarian society, if we do not consistently choose liberty on every issue, when offered the choice, especially if our opposition to liberty on a particular issue is based on perceived self interest. Isn't that what we rail against liberal leaders for, when they promote the Welfare State by appealing to people's perceived self interest (look what's in it for you!)?

The refugee crisis was caused, not by liberty and open borders, but by our own government's efforts to rule the World. If we had a libertarian society, including open borders, there would be little in the way of an immigration problem, a terrorism problem, or  a refugee problem. Don't you see what I am saying, we either move toward total liberty, or zero liberty, as the middle is always unstable, and tends toward zero liberty by default.

Even if we accept your argument that there are incompatible cultures, we would be fools to give to our government the power to be the arbiter of what is, or is not, a proper culture. You really think they have your best interests in mind?


mothercirce's picture

The border should not exist, because the government that created it should not exist. Remember, Passports, Show me YOUR PASSPORTS.


It's all about private property, respect that, not government. Also, if there was no incentive for the border crossers, like free shit, then maybe they wouldn't cross as often. Oh YEAH, where does that incentive come from (you know FREE SHIT) oh Right, the order followers extort half us to give give to them and millions already here, FREE SHIT. Government is sooooo Gooood ! They threaten, extort, rob, kidnap, and kill just to be able to exist. Then they go on to create all of these other problems, and we all sit around and beg master to fix it all. Begging master to fix your slavery is a wee bit preverted EH?


stm's picture

Maybe in your 'prefect' little anachistic world they shouldn't exist, either?


Laugh. It makes you feel good.

mothercirce's picture

In my "'prefect' little anachistic world", people would have the ability to decide if they want to be part of a people created government, but just because bobby and quinton want to give up some liberty to be ruled by the government of laquwanda, that don't contract me and my family into it. If you want to be a slave, you should be free to be a slave. I don't see how your choice to be a slave forces me to be a slave. My particular version of liberty, that I would choose for myself, does not involve an alien, plant or people created government. Then again, if you live outside the 10 square miles of D.C., we are all aliens. We are also non resident aliens, and paying the extortion racket known as taxes is voluntary, but sheesh, people created this pie I'm about to fuck. Thank god for people pie makers. It's fresh out of the oven, YUMMY !



mwstroberg's picture

Just curious, but what is the significance of your user name?


mothercirce's picture


Circe was an ancient Greek goddess who could hypnotize men, bring them into her house, and turn them into animals -- taking their minds away, so that they could support and feed her.

She was known as "Mother Circe," and her worship was brought to medieval Scotland, in whose language Circe became "Kirk."

The Scottish word "Kirk" becomes "Church" in English.

Come to mother Circe. When you enter my kirk, I will close the door behind you and blind all the windows. You will only read from this one book, and I will be the ONLY ONE to interpret it for you. You will give only to Mother Circe and no one else. If I must, I will transform you into livestock to physically eat you to live off of you. You will have no choice but to put me before yourself or others, because once you enter my Church, no one else exist. 

We have Captain KIRK, taking mankind where it has never gone before aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. (a corporation/franchise ) 501 C 3, nothing like serving not 1 but 2 masters in this perversion of life we are rotting in, enslaved.

Could mother circe be the whore of babaylon ?

When John wrote revelations, was he not in the vicinity of mother Circe ? Patmos ?


After watching this clip, I had this thought. Does the Circe, Kirk, Kirche, Church also offer immortality as well ?






Ah yes, we have "Captain Kirk" taking mankind where it has never gone before ...



... with the U.S.S. Enterprise:


HVACTech's picture

those come in handy. as do force fields... when promoting pure Anarchy.

'Could mother circe be the whore of babaylon ?"

possibly... how old are you again?


mothercirce's picture


Life is full of sharp and pointy things, and nothing is guaranteed. Why is wanting every drop of liberty to live my life such a rotten idea.? There will always be individuals out there that want to hurt me, but why do we want another group of individuals with carte blanche and zero accountability to be allowed to hurt me as well. I am kind of ( and I mean kind of ) allowed to (attempt) to defend myself against someone initiating violence against me, but if that individual happens to wear a fancy government hat, I must allow them to thoroughly pillage me without nary a struggle ??? If we got rid of the government, then anyone who came at me initiating violence, I might be allowed, FINALLY, to defend myself. Government is people. swat teams are people. Soylent green is people. 


stm's picture

Those open border proponents don't believe people can come together to create a nation because the kind of border security/control Pen is writing about belongs to a nation, state or country, whatever ya want to call it.

So after the War for Independence when treaties were signed and borders determined, the OB people would have opposed the latter. The spankin' brand new United States should not have determined any borders.... the States, nee Colonies, should have also been erased because those indicate a bordered area. Once the war was called off all that should have been done was... nothing. If the Brits wanted to stay, let 'em. Whoever wanted to come in, let 'em. The Confederacy should have dissolved and left nothing but private property owners in its place. No need for cities of any kind because there would no longer be towns called Boston or Philadelphia or New York - how dare those socialist government types confine private property owners within something as outrageous as a city limit. Each private property owner would be the law unto themself. I d'know, would private property owners be able to form their own corporation in order to secure their collective pieces of land? Wouldn't that be setting up a form of government? Could they make a law that said if one person sold their property, the new owner would come under the jurisdiction of that corporation? I guess the the right to form communities would also be abolished.

Of course, the idea of a group of say... Mongols riding in and taking over pieces of land and determining that land a country right smack dab in the space between two friendly neighbors, well? Too bad. Those two neighbors didn't have the foresight to see that some group may come in, grab the land as their own, set up a form of government and completely ruin the view those two neighbors once had because they never thought of buying up that piece of land from.... well, HECK! Who would they have bought it from? Hm. They should have just extended the fencing or something. Wait a second, I had read something about that, how in the early days there were those land-grabbers just taking everything and claiming it was theirs... Locke wrote something about that:

Section 31 ... As much as any one can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much he may by his labour fix property in: whatever is beyond this, is more than his share, and belongs to others. Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy. And thus, considering the plenty of natural provisions there was a long time in the world, and the few spenders; and to how small a part of that provision the industry of one man could extend itself, and ingross it to the prejudice of others; especially keeping within the bounds, set by reason, of what might serve for his use, there could be then little room for quarrels or contentions about property established.

Unless you're a greedy #&@^ and want to amass great quantities of land. But OB's have dissolved all things that might reek of socialist governments - governments in general, no sociatal compact allowed because that's how governments come into being and as we know, all government is evil. A free for all is a much better bet. OB's assure us that everyone has everyone else's best interest at heart, that no one, not even the OBers themselves would descend to land-grabs or sniping or name-calling or throwing out ad homs or try to make anyone take sides (unless it's their side) because they are pure and virtuous and so therefore everyone else must be, too.

Nope, OBers cannot fathom that a group of people can come together and hold land in their collective name, that some land is privately owned and the rest held in common under their name and because of such can exclude anyone who does not belong to that common name.... namely a member (or citizen) of some other country.

As I've written before, all OBers offer me are fantastical utopias where rainbows arc over skies, unicorns roam freely, greed and power hungry people don't exist and no one ever does any harm to anyone else - not in thought, word or deed. Not even in comments they may reply to.




Laugh. It makes you feel good.

stm's picture

my comment please explain why? Or don't you have a reasoned response?

Laugh. It makes you feel good.

mwstroberg's picture

I only downvote when I can pen a response. I didn't feel like responding because of the length of the comment and the number of points dealt with. I may have more energy tomorrow.

