

Is this the best anti-war and anti media song ever?

World B Free Fri, 01/01/2016 - 00:27

Slaid Cleaves - Beautiful Thing Lyrics

Surrogates and shadowy henchmen galore
Party hacks and swift-boatin' talk-show whores
Look at all the lies it takes, the job of making kings
You can own the truth, you just gotta conceive it
Put it on the television screen, they'll believe it
It's a beautiful thing

Trump Spokesperson Rocks Bullet Necklace, Threatens Fetus Necklace...

BaneMaler Thu, 12/31/2015 - 22:05

It just occurred to me that they are implementing Saul Alinsky tactics.  I have just never seen this before from a Republican candidate.  This must be learned from years of operating in New York strong arming people to get buildings built and working with labor groups.

Congress Spied On As Crimes Lead To Obama

Anne Thu, 12/31/2015 - 07:11

Big Brother NSA's marriage with the Oval Office is stinging those who fancy themselves in charge.  Congressmen, Senators,  and Israeli Officials are feeling the sting of being spied upon and suddenly the NSA isn't so easy to support.  As a country, we have become more intrusive than the KGB of cold war Soviet Union. 

And the likes of Donald Trump, Rubio, Christy, Jeb, and Hillary all cheerlead the NSA

Rand Paul Speech in New Hampshire

Anne Thu, 12/31/2015 - 06:57

Rand Paul on the campaign trail talking small government

Huckabee Denies Mischaracterizing Cruz on Gay Marriage: Incredibly Inconsistent

BaneMaler Wed, 12/30/2015 - 19:52

Noticed this ad this morning and thought it odd that as Cruz says "no" the audio cuts off abruptly.  Seems an odd attack against Cruz if you can't play more of the sound byte which still makes the evangelicals skin crawl.  At any event it would seem that Huckabee's SuperPAC "Pursuing America's Greatness" is funding the radio ad during the Rush Limbaugh show.

Russell Means - 125th Anniversary of Wounded Knee

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 18:23

What happened to the Indians on the reservation, long after the cessation of hostilities. We look at the parallels between treaties broken and the Constitution violated, between reservation & welfare state, and mostly the destruction of family and culture by an educational establishment.

ISS Station Commander Shares Science with Students

DjPe5h Wed, 12/30/2015 - 16:53

Aboard the International Space Station (ISS), Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency fielded questions about life and research on the orbital laboratory during an in-flight educational event April 16, 2013 with students gathered at Lockview High School in Fall River, Nova Scotia. Hadfield, is the first Canadian to command the station.

Sen. Rand Paul Discusses Entrance Criteria For Next GOP Debate

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 11:14

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul has called for limiting the NSA’s powers even more after it emerged that the spy agency has been snooping on members of Congress.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Infowars Cyber Attacks Exposed

johncarter44 Wed, 12/30/2015 - 08:48

Alex Jones talks with Dr. Steve Pieczenik about the cyber attacks on Infowars and where he thinks they might be coming from and Dr. Pieczenik breaks down how the Bush/Clinton dynasty is over and done with.
