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Megan Kelly Interviews Rand At Huge Iowa Rally

BaneMaler Sun, 01/31/2016 - 22:21

It's happening folks!  We are going to pray for a big surprise :)

Ted Cruz Supporters Feel God's Calling

Ron Aldof Sun, 01/31/2016 - 21:05

Cruz is working hard to woo evangelicals—and some hear God at his rallies.

"Cruz, who trails Donald Trump in the latest Des Moines Register poll released Saturday night, 23 percent to 28 percent, is courting social conservatives with what could be described as religious fervor. To beat Trump on Monday, polls show, Cruz has to turn out the evangelical vote and even woo supporters still loyal to neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and past winners Huckabee and Santorum. The Register poll showed 47 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers were evangelicals—but Cruz can essentially come up even with Trump if he brings that number up to 60 percent. And it shouldn't be impossible; in 2012, social conservatives made up 57 percent of caucus-goers."


Picture of Rand Rally room

Isabella sj Sun, 01/31/2016 - 19:50


Two Dr. Pauls are on Periscope live

Isabella sj Sun, 01/31/2016 - 19:08


Whatever periscope is I'm connecting. I'm so not educated. When did Periscope become a "thing".?

Ted Cruz keeps digging his own grave

ecard71 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 19:08

Makes me wonder:

 If Cruz is willing to purchase voting records to intimidate/shame voters, then what will he be willing to do with ALL OUR TELEPHONE RECORDS?

Trump loves disabled veterans? He called them a detriment to NY & petitioned to have them removed

ecard71 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 13:08

"Rather than going directly to veterans groups, 100% of online donations on Trump's pro-veterans site will go directly to Trump's personal foundation," the conservative website reports.

Sen. Rand Paul - Meet the Press (1/31/16)

johncarter44 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 09:13


Stephen Colbert's perfectly timed trashing of Trump - Thank You!

ecard71 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 00:23

It's no secret that Stephen was a fan of Ron, and he may very well be leaning towards Rand. But there is definitely no doubt on how he feels about Trump. You can also certainly tell by how shocked and surprise the audience's reactions are that they, for the most part, are completely clueless. Just watch and ENJOY!

Rafael the Religous Chameleon

Ron Aldof Sat, 01/30/2016 - 22:17

He has a spot for every occasion.....

What on Earth Is #RandGirling?

VR Sat, 01/30/2016 - 10:12

Rand Paul and Jeb Bush during Commercial Break GOP Debate

Anne Fri, 01/29/2016 - 19:26


  This is interesting.  Rand Paul the lone wolf.


Rand Paul brilliantly makes Christians take a look in the mirror

ecard71 Fri, 01/29/2016 - 15:10

Rand Paul Preaches Compassion at Iowa Race Track

He used this idea of redemption to talk about criminal justice reform, and reducing sentencing for nonviolent drug offenses:

“I think we also need to be a party that shows that we have compassion for people who are down on their luck,” the Kentucky Senator said, standing in front of racing helmets and trophies before a crowd of about 50 people. “Do we need to be big spending liberals on this? No. But I think we need to have compassion for people who are down on their luck and aren’t doing well… Most of us are Christians and believe in redemption and believe in a second chance.”
