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News Article

Barack Obama’s next move could be a series on Netflix

Jed Clampett Fri, 03/09/2018 - 05:44
This makes me sick. Can't they just go away? Surely they don't need the money.


Gardener Thu, 03/01/2018 - 08:27

Things are really crazy lately with censorship. I was subscribed to a channel on YouTube called mushfarmer and he grows gourmet mushrooms for restaurants. They took down his channel probably without even looking at the content.

FOIA Release Shows Trump Violating Emoluments Clause

The Rebel Poet Sun, 02/11/2018 - 16:52

So glad Ben Swann is back! From Truth in Media:

Upon Trump’s election to the presidency and his refusal to completely divest from his business interests— including innumerable real estate holdings— some warned that the president’s resulting conflict of interest could result in violations of the law, particularly the domestic emoluments clause of the article 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Trump issues stern warning to Turkey over Syria operation

Ron Aldof Wed, 01/24/2018 - 20:01

Which side of this conflict are our allies on and who are our allies?

"President Trump urged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday to scale back his country’s assault on Kurdish positions in Syria, signaling mounting American anxiety that Ankara’s latest military foray will jeopardize the U.S. campaign against the Islamic State and undermine hopes for peace talks aimed at ending the war in Syria.

Donald Trump on Revenge.!!(so worth the listen!)

jdayh Fri, 01/19/2018 - 00:18

I know some of you liberal leaning members, that this may offend you . But realize this ... ITS TRUE!

TRUMP's not a barbarian and he's right. America is far too nice!!

jdayh Fri, 01/12/2018 - 18:44

As usual the media and liberal critics of Trump have it all wrong.

Ron Paul: Jeff Sessions should be fired over marijuana decision

The Rebel Poet Sat, 01/06/2018 - 20:34

Ron Paul, the former GOP congressman and onetime presidential candidate, called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step down Saturday after he moved this week to rescind the Obama-era policy of restricting federal enforcement of marijuana laws in states where the drug is legal.

Paul told CNN's Michael Smerconish that Americans should have a choice on marijuana use, and he called Sessions' actions "unconstitutional."

According to CNN et al. Thomas and Friends and Paw Patrol Are Fascist

The Rebel Poet Wed, 12/27/2017 - 19:24

CNN continues to jump new sharks each and every week. This comedy gold, which could as well be the Onion, is titled "Why kids love 'fascist' cartoons like 'Paw Patrol' and 'Thomas'"

"Parents like to see themselves as purveyors of possibility. We want our children to inhabit a world in which identities are both mutable and equal, and imagination and empathy reign supreme!

Ex-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal

celeste B Mon, 11/27/2017 - 13:03

A former Clinton Foundation official who is now an independent director at a company which operates private schools in China has found himself embroiled in a bizarre child abuse scandal involving needles, pills, “brown syrup,” nudity, and sexual molestation, according to parents.

Playmate says Al Franken groped her

celeste B Thu, 11/16/2017 - 11:19

A former Playboy Playmate on Thursday accused Sen. Al Franken of forcibly kissing her during the rehearsal for a skit during a USA Tour in the Middle East and then groping her as she slept during a flight back to the United States.

Trump is the Next Target after Roy Moore. You can Count on it.

celeste B Wed, 11/15/2017 - 12:28

Trump is the real target of this campaign. If Russia-gate fails to evict him, a new version of Sex-gate is next. You can count on it.
