Liberty Alert

Transgressions on the Bill of Rights and Government over reach

I like this site. Its heart is in the right place...

pawnstorm12 Tue, 12/29/2015 - 07:41

I'm a new user here trying to find my way in the liberty cyber-world after the crash of the Daily Paul and Popular Liberty sites (to which I was addicted)..

I'll be checking out different ideas but this is my new home - at least for now.

It's pretty intuitive, plus there seems to be some good liberty news here in the style of the sites I was used to..

I do feel there's room to grow here as so many ex-Paulites have been scattered to the winds.

The Poverty Industry - Micheal Miller on Eagle Forum Live

BaneMaler Mon, 12/28/2015 - 18:51

Caught this over the weekend and was screaming at the radio wondering when someone would mention that there has been a plan proposed to ending the taxpayer funded foreign aid to the world.  Thought the film might be something to add to the essentials list as I am not familiar with anything similar on the topic.

Listen to the episode below:

Coming up on Dec 30th: AMA with the one, the only, Adam Kokesh!

crabacado Mon, 12/28/2015 - 17:48

Adam is hosting an AMA on Reddit Dec 30th

and some anonymous donor just helped him print 10,000 more copies of Freedom

H. R. 4269 (This Act may be cited as the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015”.)

VR Mon, 12/28/2015 - 13:01



To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Rand Paul Returns 1.8 Million Unused Dollars of Senate Budget to the treasury

TrumpetRoyale Sun, 12/27/2015 - 23:56

Statesmen Maximus.  Don't even pretend that there is another representative like this.  GO RAND!


Is it me or does this site load very slow?

rftbunny Sun, 12/27/2015 - 21:37

Is it me or does this website load very slow? I've tried 3 different browsers: Edge, Chrome, and Firefox.

It's definitely not my computer as I put together a beast.

And it's definitely not my connection as I have fiber optic.

Anyone else experiencing slowness in page loading?

For my dad -

The Pen Sun, 12/27/2015 - 01:49


wow, this is 2 blocks from my house! What's going on?

crabacado Sun, 12/27/2015 - 01:47

okay, not exactly breaking since it happened 14 hours ago, but close to home.

Not sure what went down

I retweeted Saturday morning before work

Drove by the SWAT team on the way to work

Still not sure what went down


It's time to get to work in Iowa

Joeinmo Sun, 12/27/2015 - 00:34

It's time to start pushing Rand in Iowa in local Iowa media, Facebook etc.

We all can't be there to help fight, but we can do a lot on the Internet.

It's time to get to work in Iowa

Joeinmo Sun, 12/27/2015 - 00:34

It's time to start pushing Rand in Iowa in local Iowa media, Facebook etc.

We all can't be there to help fight, but we can do a lot on the Internet.


sacredhistory Sat, 12/26/2015 - 23:03

My actions for the rand campaign!

National I.D. is Here to Stay

Shonn33 Sat, 12/26/2015 - 21:06

Never imagine it would come to this...Another rip into the Constitution tearing our freedoms away...

Remember the Classic Novel Fahrenheit 451, Meet ISP Error 451!

TheTaoistTroll Sat, 12/26/2015 - 10:11

Error 451: New HTTP code to show that sites are censored

0 By on December 25, 2015
