Liberty Alert

Transgressions on the Bill of Rights and Government over reach

FBI Caught Posing as Militia in Burns, Oregon by Fire Marshall

Freedom Express Mon, 01/18/2016 - 10:28

This week, Harney County Fire Marshall Chris Briels resigned after discovering undercover FBI agents posing as militia members near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which has been the site of a standoff for weeks now. According to Briels,

A proposed bill in New York would force Apple to allow backdoor access to user data, or be fined

Ron Aldof Sun, 01/17/2016 - 17:42

Obama: 'Nobody Is Listening to Your Phone Calls'"A new bill proposed in New York could see that all phone manufacturers be required to implement a way for law enforcement agencies to access and decrypt user devices. This bill is somewhat similar to the Investigatory Powers Bill currently being debated in the UK, which Apple has voiced its opposition towards. Apple and Tim Cook have repeatedly stated that government agencies should not have any access to user devices or data, whether be through a built-in backdoor or other means.

Oregon Police Arrest First Protester Involved In Militia Standoff

ecard71 Sat, 01/16/2016 - 01:22

e 62-year-old Oregon man was taken into custody Friday in the first arrest reported since armed militia members took over the refuge nearly two weeks ago.

Rand will be the Republican nominee!

The Pen Fri, 01/15/2016 - 23:48

The fact that Rand took to a national town-hall last night via Periscope/Twitter, therefore turning what easily could have become a detriment into an entrepreneurial endeavor, shows a temper restrained in order to direct it toward a positive end. Rand is the only class on/off that stage. He is a skeptic, inquirer and cautious. And shouldn't we all be a little more that way? I'll be damned if I ever vote for 'the' mindless war candidate. My son will not become the future collateral or asset to murder and the conjuring of hell that war solicits. Yesterday marks a critical day for liberty. Rand just made the mainstream media sensibly irrelevant to undermining his campaign. All he had to do was refuse to accept condescension and the lollipop with hair on it.

Please Watch Over My Angel

fishy Fri, 01/15/2016 - 15:51

Waking up is hard to do. I don't have to explain that around here. The man who really woke me up, gave me the courage to investigate some of those "crazy theories" did not just wake me up. He guided me through it, he pulled me down from the ceiling when I found some truth too horrifying for me to process, he kept me seeking truth and avoiding the fear-mongering, Any real threats, he could have handled too.  (more)

Florida Constitutional Guard Watching the Oregon Standoff Closely

Libera_me Wed, 01/13/2016 - 20:48

As the Oregon standoff continues, various groups are watching the events unfold with keen interest. The Florida Constitutional Guard, headed by Jesse Wilkes, said of the stand-off: "We are absolutely watching the situation."

The Furher wants to see your papers, NOW SLAVE !

mothercirce Wed, 01/13/2016 - 17:45

On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security released updated information regarding the national identification card known as the REAL ID. Beginning January 22, 2018, all airline passengers will need identification cards that are in compliance with the more secure features required by the REAL ID Act of 2005. The REAL ID Act was passed in response to the 9/11 attacks, as part of the global War on Terror.

Bear with us

Anne Wed, 01/13/2016 - 11:54

We've been working on an issue all morning and it will take a bit more work to get it running properly Thanks Anne

This is the tide of our time -

The Pen Wed, 01/13/2016 - 00:50

Rand has already come out on Chris Matthews against the apprehension of the peoples vote by the media wizards via their own production of poorly, unscientific polls - - ​

This is the tide of our time -

The Pen Wed, 01/13/2016 - 00:49

Rand has already come out on Chris Matthews against the apprehension of the peoples vote by the media wizards via their own production of poorly, unscientific polls
