
Intended to Inform


ecard71 Sun, 12/20/2015 - 16:32

Just to keep in mind; I would also make the fonts a little larger. One could easily hold CTRL-+, but not everyone is familiar with this shortcut & would like to have to deal with it every time they visit. Some of the success that DP/PL had was that it was "welcoming & easy on the eyes/navigate".


ecard71 Sun, 12/20/2015 - 15:43

Who decides what articles get posted on the front page? It's pretty evident that I support Rand, but I think it would be detrimental to new members and lurkers to have several Rand articles on the front page.

How Did Jesus Instruct His Followers to "Deal With" Islam?

Snoopdougg Sun, 12/20/2015 - 11:02

He never told us to hate.

He never told us to fear.

He never told us to enter the who-can-be-the-most-pluperfect-jerk-on-Facebook contest.

Full article here: 

Spelling, grammar, etc.

MMMark Sun, 12/20/2015 - 10:59

Sun. 15/12/20 11:58 EST
post #1

The front page contains this sentence:

A Call to Paul is a liberty discussion site, who's primary purpose is to be a place where people can share news reports, new ideas, information, and videos with each other.

I suggest changing "who's"
(which is a contraction of "who is"; source: )

Thank you Thimbleberry!

bort Sun, 12/20/2015 - 10:05

Thanks for rushing to create a new site.  Looks good so far!


After 4 1/2 years on DP/PL, I was recently blocked there for reasons I still don't understand.  In any case, I'm a new site exists and I hope that PL/DP people all congregate here. 

Log in glitches

Foundingfathers Sun, 12/20/2015 - 08:56

Tried to logon with old PL handle and my email, said both were taken.

Had to create a new handle and use an old email to get logged on.

prefer old handle and my current email

i sent you and email thimbleberry


Bugs...I hope you don't mind? :)

ATruepatriot Sun, 12/20/2015 - 08:19

I hope you don't mind me starting a thread like this. :) I ran across a warning message when I made my post earlier and wanted to share it with you in case you wanted to check it out :)

"Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$kwresearch_sync_vocab in kwresearch_node_save() (line 1034 of /home/hueckstaedt/"

If this thread is out of place or unneeded please delete if you need to. :)

The name of this site

Liberty Pastor Sun, 12/20/2015 - 02:48

With a grander view of time, I would like to suggest changing the name of the site to "Call To Liberty" (if available, if not, something similar). This would enable this site to continue no matter what happens to Ron or Rand Paul. If it is tied to a name, it will of necessity die a death like the Daily Paul and now Popular Liberty is experiencing. Liberty will ALWAYS be important and valid, A member of the Paul family may not. Things change and people change, but liberty never changes!

HR22 - No Passport for Owed Taxes

Anne Fri, 12/18/2015 - 09:40

Contrarian Dude did an exemplary video shinning light on a new bill that Obama signed into law this week. HR22 basically says that if you have "seriously" delinquent tax debt, your passport would be revoked. He further points out that this happens without a trial or a hearing. A bureaucrat with a swipe of his pen can make you a prisoner within the boarders of your own country. Additionally, they wrote a provision in there to insulate them from a lawsuit if they accidentally get it wrong.

Steven Spielberg's Company is Making Huxley's Brave New World into a TV Series

Anne Wed, 12/16/2015 - 14:32

Amblin Television, a company owned by Steven Spielberg, is turning the book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley into a script for a new Syfy channel TV series

Ron Paul Kick Starter for a New Documentary called "Empire of Lies"

Anne Wed, 12/16/2015 - 08:33

At long last Ron Paul has agreed to participate in a new documentary about not only his experience running for President, but will feature how the press used their influence to down-play, undermine, and misrepresent the support Ron Paul had and was continually gaining. The film will not be focusing on the details of his early life and personal biography. Instead, it plans to highlight his time in office, the principles he lived by, and the issues he fought for.

Rand Paul Slams GOP Foreign Policy Hawks

Anne Tue, 12/15/2015 - 11:41

NASHUA, N.H.—Rand Paul ripped into his hawkish rivals for the Republican nomination Saturday, suggesting that problems in the Middle East would actually be worse under them than President Barack Obama.
