
Intended to Inform

Able Danger (Official Trailer) American secret intelligence involvement in the planning and execution of 9/11

Isabella sj Sat, 07/16/2016 - 05:48

And so it goes. The saga continues...........

User Reviews

A hidden gem... that will blow your mind when you find out it's real.
15 January 2008 | by RSerrini (United States) – See all my reviews

"So help me God" -- Hey YOU look over there -} not here. That will happen Firdays.

Isabella sj Sat, 07/16/2016 - 05:15

How I wish the Judge would get "Freedom Watch" back. "Remember this" that was an awesome show. U.S. Army & CIA - 9/11 Commission A Cover Up From Top To Bottom

Fiction Friday: While you were sleeping. 28 pages full of toner released.

Isabella sj Sat, 07/16/2016 - 05:07

"Remember this" one of Trumps favorites phrases. So, remember this. Just wait for Friday afternoon for headlines dump in the fictional comedy central recretional world of "headline breaking news".

Still highly redacted but released the piece of fiction hit the streets. One thing to remember: "Able Danger" Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, Mr. Curt Weldon and Able Danger at the U.S. Congress.

Treat others like you would like to be treated. RESPECT.

Isabella sj Fri, 07/15/2016 - 06:11

LOL TWO SETS OF RULES> One for the clingtongs and one for the rest of us.

No more apologies. So sick of it. Ridiculous

Isabella sj Fri, 07/15/2016 - 05:47

I really like his style. WOW! Black Man Won't Let White Woman Apologize

Clay Higgins needs support

Isabella sj Fri, 07/15/2016 - 04:39

For affluent blacks, wealth doesn't stop racial profiling

JD Thu, 07/14/2016 - 18:48

When Ronald S. Sullivan starts teaching his class at Harvard Law School each semester, he asks his students how many of them have been spread eagle over a police car. Every year, it's the same answer: Two or three black students and maybe one other person of color raises their hand.

Farmer Broke the Law by Plowing His Land

Ron Aldof Thu, 07/14/2016 - 17:48

"Earlier this month a federal court in California ruled that a farmer plowing his land without a permit from the federal government is breaking the law. In 2013, the Army Corps of Engineers, without any notice or due process, ordered the owners of Duarte Nursery to cease use of their land for allegedly violating the Clean Water Act (CWA). The violation: plowing.

Bilderberg Group: The Secret Rulers of the World

Tomoye Thu, 07/14/2016 - 13:22

The shadowy Bilderberg Group recently held their annual meeting in Dresden, Germany. The group is secretive but it can be said that it has an openly Corporate-Globalist agenda and that it's working to bring about a one world government and currency.

An ‘unarmed’ white teen was shot dead by police. His family asks: Where is the outrage?8/7/2015

JD Wed, 07/13/2016 - 08:36

Amid heightened scrutiny of fatal police shootings across the country, Hammond’s death has prompted numerous questions, few answers — and almost no national outrage.

Police say the officer was a victim of “attempted murder” by Hammond, who was driving the vehicle. According to Seneca Police Chief John Covington, Hammond was driving the car “toward the officer” who was trying to make the stop.

5 countries where most police officers do not carry firearms — and it works well

JD Wed, 07/13/2016 - 08:25

It's a strategy that seems to work surprisingly well for other countries: In Britain, Ireland, Norway, Iceland and New Zealand, officers are unarmed when they are on patrol. Police are only equipped with firearms in special circumstances.

Police officers there have saved lives — exactly because they were unable to shoot.

Break time. No time for deception.

Isabella sj Wed, 07/13/2016 - 05:57

It's x for some "free market" solutions. When it quacks like a duck. Believe it. It is a duck.

From Red Scares to Orange Alerts: How the Cold War Launched the Modern American Police State

VR Tue, 07/12/2016 - 11:08

"Following World War II, there was no general demobilization in the United States — something that had never happened before in the nation’s history. In 1947, Congress passed the National Security Act, which created the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and created the framework for a permanent, globe-spanning military establishment under the aegis of what was now called the Department of Defense.
