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Burns Standoff - Go deeper into the Rabbit Hole with Free Capitalist TONIGHT! 10pm MST

Mr. Kotter Thu, 02/04/2016 - 13:35

Recently I have started following Rick Koerber @freecapitalist on Periscope and his website  He also has a facebook page

Hey Ron! Do you Remember Making this Comment at the DP on One of My Posts?

father_abraham85 Wed, 02/03/2016 - 21:45

Threat of Cohesion Separation in the Ron Paul Movement

  "Every movement needs a common leader. Without one it will split."

After Rand's Gracious Bowing Out of The Presidential Race, Who Do You Support Now?

zooamerica Wed, 02/03/2016 - 21:15

Rand Paul had a certain kind of grace and eloquence about him during his first presidential run.  

It won't be his last.  4 years is not a long time as we all know by now.  2012 feels like a year ago in the current state of warp speed we're all traveling in through space and time.    

In a way, Rand stood above the fray.  He decided it would be best to be a Senator in Kentucky instead of jumping in the pool of political sewage and participating in the current crap throwing contest that is about to ensue.

It's Midnight, America - Jack Perry

BaneMaler Wed, 02/03/2016 - 17:47

I was asked this morning if I watched the Iowa Caucus, whatever dog-and-pony show that was in our political process. I replied, no, because I have not had a television for over twenty years. I evicted it for non-payment of reality and worth. I haven’t missed it. People say, “How do you know what’s going on??!!” Easy. I say, well, I’m guessing we’re at war somewhere, there’s been some natural disaster someplace else, some horrific crime in some state, politicians in some scandal, and products advertised you can easily make yourself. Am I right. “Uh…well…yeah…”, they reply. In the time they’ve watched two television shows, I’ve made my own bread, set a tub of cabbage to fermenting, read two chapters in a book, and meditated. Gosh, and the world went on without my watching it on TV!

On Rand's suspension of his campaign

enemyofthestate1776 Wed, 02/03/2016 - 16:12

Hi everyone,

Well, I'm pretty shattered about Rand's announcement, as I'm sure we all are. I had hoped to see much more support for him going into Iowa, and am disappointed that this has not turned out to be the case.

I have a few thoughts about what led us all to this point, but first want to say that I am emphatically not a Trump supporter, nor in any possible past or future am I a Cruz supporter (even putting those two words together seems oxymoronic in some way), rather I am with Rand to the end, as I have extensively researched the issues and believe that, per his votes and his understanding of the issues and principles of liberty, he is far and away the best Liberty advocate we have in the race.

Family of Oregon occupier shot by law enforcement alleges cover-up

JD Wed, 02/03/2016 - 15:59

PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters) - Relatives of a man shot dead by law enforcement officers after taking part in the armed occupation of a U.S. wildlife refuge in Oregon have accused the FBI and state police of covering up the circumstances of his death last week.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, family of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum called the shooting "unjustified" and said the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Oregon State Police were "seeking to manipulate and mislead the media and the American public about what really happened."

If Russia Started a War in the Baltics, NATO Would Lose — Quickly

JD Wed, 02/03/2016 - 15:57

If Russian tanks and troops rolled into the Baltics tomorrow, outgunned and outnumbered NATO forces would be overrun in under three days. That’s the sobering conclusion of war games carried out by a think tank with American military officers and civilian officials.

“The games’ findings are unambiguous: As currently postured, NATO cannot successfully defend the territory of its most exposed members,” said a report by the RAND Corp., which led the war gaming research.

Meet your unauthorized federal Government

deacon Wed, 02/03/2016 - 14:00

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have not been reauthorized by Congress since 2009. The State Department hasn’t been reauthorized since 2003. For the Federal Trade Commission and National Weather Service, it’s 1998 and 1993, respectively. The Federal Election Commission has been operating with an expired authorization since way back in 1981.


mothercirce Wed, 02/03/2016 - 12:54

"After three years of the federal government refusing to discuss the matter with the state government, Governor Gary Herbert is moving forward with plans to seize the 31.2 million acres of Utah land from the federal government and restore control of the lands to the people of Utah. The action is unprecedented."

We Can't Rely on One Person to Protect Liberty

TruthSeeker1982 Wed, 02/03/2016 - 10:45

Like many others, I'm very disappointed with the news that Rand Paul is dropping out of the presidential race.  Even if he didn't win, I think there would have been a lot of value in spreading his ideas around the country as much as possible.  It just goes to show that we can't rely on one person to protect our freedoms and fight for liberty.  As the saying goes: if you want something done right, do it yourself.  Take this as clear sign that there is a lot of work to do and it is up to each of us to do our part to promote and protect the principles of liberty and freedom to the best of our abilities. 

Rand just quit about a half hour ago.

pawnstorm12 Wed, 02/03/2016 - 08:43

This will make the war mongering GOP cream their jeans in excitement. 

Now that they have managed to silence the only voice of peace and sound economic policy. 

I didn't supply a link because you'll hear it soon anyway. 

It's a sad day for the future of liberty. 

Rand Paul Suspends His Campaign.

free_your_mind Wed, 02/03/2016 - 08:05

Just saw this via C-Span.  I am so disappointed and shocked that I can't even think right now.

"If we go back to citing footnotes from Mises we've failed the liberty movement"

free_your_mind Tue, 02/02/2016 - 21:29

The above quote is from Matt Kibbe, formerly of Freedom Works and now with the SupePAC Concerned American Voters supporting Rand.  Kibbe goes on to say that Rand's Iowa vote was actually "very credible considering where he has been."

Interesting comment about Cruz background and training as a "classical liberal" but Kibbe is concerned about Cruz being a neocon.

CAV is sticking with Rand.

The Truth Behind The Gov't Land Grab

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:54

David Knight interviews an Oregon logger who explains how Federal land management policies have devastated the local economy and caused massive fires. Its’ by design and its not limited to one area or one industry. It is part of a federal policy to take sole control of the vast resources of the western states and sell them to multinational corporations.

Migrant Destabilization Continues in Germany

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 10:31

Migrants sexually harass German School Girls - Mayor dismisses Grandfather: "Don't provoke them"
