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George Soros says the EU is ‘on the verge of collapse’

Ron Paul Support Fri, 01/22/2016 - 12:08

What this SOB up to? There must be a reason why he is saying this?

Billionaire prophet of doom George Soros said the European Union is on the “verge of collapse” as it faces five or six crises at once.

Ben Swann of Truth-In-Media To Release CDC Documentary and Documents January 26, 2016!

The Pen Fri, 01/22/2016 - 00:19



Truth in Media Reveals CDC Whistleblower Investigation!

Jan. 26, the Truth In Media Project will release our latest video The CDC, Autism and Vaccines. We will release our month long investigation of newly released whistleblower documents from Dr. William Thompson of the CDC.Read more about the update here:

Posted by Ben Swann on Monday, January 18, 2016

I received an email today from Truth-In-Media advertising the upcoming release of a documentary that covers the hush and suppression of medical results by the CDC regarding the MMR vaccination and a possible link to an increase in autism.


If Donald Trump Chooses Rand Paul As His Vice President, What Would You Say?

zooamerica Thu, 01/21/2016 - 20:49

I would say that means Rand Paul would become president in 2024.

Under the presumption that Trump will win the GOP nomination he will have to choose a VP. 

Who will it be?

Trump has already went on the record saying that Ted Oh' Canada Cruz's VP potential is a liability because Cruz was not born in the United States. 

Marco Rubio is out of the VP equation due to his stance on illegal immigration and his ties to the Bush's. 

Oklahoma policeman sentenced to 263 years for raping four women

JD Thu, 01/21/2016 - 16:46

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - A former Oklahoma City police officer convicted of raping four women and sexually assaulting several others while he was on duty was sentenced on Thursday to 263 consecutive years in prison, the maximum allowable sentence.

Oh Wow Have you guys seen this Common Core interview?

crabacado Thu, 01/21/2016 - 10:54

Project Veritas interviews Kim Koerber about Common Core

Some of Kim's comments are....well, you decide

Occupant of the White House Caught In Gridlock due to DC Storm

Libera_me Thu, 01/21/2016 - 10:45

The Presidential Motorcade was stuck in traffic due to 1-2 inches of snow that fell in DC yesterday. The trip that normally takes about 25 minutes took more than an hour. There is the potential for up to a foot or more of  snow, hopefully it will fall while Obama is on the road. (and without his electronic pen!)

Open letter to the RNC

just-here-being-me Thu, 01/21/2016 - 04:48

The destruction of the Republican party will include the Democratic party as well.  I'm all for this because I despise the two party system in this country.  But if the Republican party were smart they would nominate Rand Paul.  Trump is a plant to secure a Democratic Presidency.  The RNC could salvage what they have left and save their party with a Rand Paul nomination.

Shillary is Banking on Trump winning the Nomination

father_abraham85 Wed, 01/20/2016 - 17:51

On Jimmy Fallon last Thursday Clinton said,

“If I’m so fortunate to be the Democratic nominee — obviously I’ll run against whoever they nominate — but if it’s Donald Trump, it’ll be quite the [defeat], quite the showdown.”

Note: I personally add the word "defeat" because that is exactly what was going through her mind when she corrected herself.

They have been in cahoots for years...

Here is the article from last August about the the multiple calls Trump made to Bill just after Hitlery jumped in and just before Doodle throw his hat into the ring. (Remember: this is the first time he has run for ANYTHING) 

New CNN Poll - Rand magically jumps from 2% to 6%

Joeinmo Wed, 01/20/2016 - 16:43

Rand is now tied for 5th

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are tied for third with 10% each.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul are each tied at 6%, followed by Carly Fiorina with 4% support, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 1%.

Update: Carson Staffers Involved In A Rollover Accident, 25 Year Old Volunteer Dead

BaneMaler Tue, 01/19/2016 - 16:13

(A) van transporting three campaign volunteers and a Carson campaign employee hit a patch of ice and flipped on its side where it was struck by another vehicle,” said a statement from the Carson campaign. “Three of the passengers, including the campaign staffer (who was) driving, are currently being checked out at Cass County Memorial Hospital in Atlantic, Iowa. One volunteer is being transported to the trauma center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.”


Good for Rand for putting himself out there

Freeman15 Tue, 01/19/2016 - 10:58
Fox Business News’s decision to keep Sen. Rand Paul off the main debate stage in South Carolina last week manifested more of the bad luck that has dogged Paul throughout his presidential campaign.

A poll taken in the window that FBN used to determine debate participants showed Paul in fifth place: high enough for the main debate. However — through no fault of the Paul campaign — that poll result was not released until just after FBN’s cutoff.
