Good News

Positive Current News:

There are some days when all there seems to be in the world is stressful, worrying, and desperate news. It can eventually get overwhelming for anyone. This page is here to remind us that there are good people doing great things, and that there is plenty of room for hope.


JD Tue, 06/13/2017 - 09:50

The mainstream media is facing an extinction-level event in artist Ben Garrison’s latest political cartoon.

Everyone from Infowars’ Alex Jones and Paul Watson to Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux can be seen plummeting towards earth in meteoric fashion as the dinosaur media, represented by ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN, prepare for their inevitable demise.
The corporate press can be seen clinging to its dwindling money supply as CNN embraces ISIS in its final moments.

Neighbor Shoots Knife-Wielding Man Trying to Drown Babies in Bathtub

JD Sun, 06/04/2017 - 20:16

On Friday an Ada, Oklahoma, man shot and killed a knife-wielding suspect who was trying to drown two babies in a bathtub in a nearby home.

A neighbor, Cash Freeman, was alerted to the situation by a 12-year-old who fled the home, frantically seeking help. Freeman grabbed his revolver and entered the home, where he found Foster allegedly holding the twins under water in the bathtub. Freeman shot Foster two times, killing him and saving the babies.

Thank You Mister President !!! Updated w/ Rand Paul Interview

celeste B Thu, 06/01/2017 - 15:56

Thank you President Trump for showing the World what real courage looks like . You have stood your ground and have shown that you truly represent the people of America.

Interview with Red Skelton

JD Fri, 05/26/2017 - 00:38

44:29 June 19, 1992: This is the only in depth sit down interview Red Skelton did in his entire career. This interview won the Iris Award for Best International Show.

Aynsley Dunbar is the best rock drummer EVER!!! Here is his DISCOGRAPHY...

pawnstorm12 Thu, 03/09/2017 - 05:16

Aynsley Dunbar is the best rock drummer EVER!!!

The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation

The Aynsley Dunbar Retaliation (1969[4])
Doctor Dunbar's Prescription (1969[6])
To Mum, From Aynsley & The Boys (1969[7])
Remains To Be Heard (1970)

Aynsley Dunbar

Mutiny (2008)

With Blue Whale

Blue Whale (1971)

With John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers

'basket of deplorables'? Trump supporting doctor heavily tips waitress in left -leaning cafe

Libera_me Sun, 02/05/2017 - 21:29

The restaurant ,Busboys and Poets, sees quite a few left leaning patrons. So when one waitress saw the men (whom she presumed were Trump supporters) come in, she didn't know quite what to expect. From west Texas, the three men may have appeared to be 'rednecks', but they soon gave her an entirely different impression. After seeing their ticket, she realized not only did they *not* simply pay their $72' food charge but they left her a $450 tip, along with a message of hope.

Newborn Twin girls seeking Adoptive parents:

cvijetic Mon, 01/23/2017 - 04:59

Newborn Twin girls seeking Adoptive parents:

I recently adopted my son through an independent adoption.
They equally have a set of identical twin girls( Recently born).
I am not financially stable to adopt all three kids.
So if you are interested in adopting these girls,feel free to contact me
and i will be of help.


pawnstorm12 Tue, 12/20/2016 - 06:10


Dr. Paul received one vote in Texas (along with one for Kasich).

It means Trump ends up with 304 electoral votes rather than the 306 he won in the election.

NO ONE ELSE besides Paul, Kasich and Trump (nationwide) received any electoral votes from a state which went for Trump.

This means that the record will show (for the rest of history) that RON PAUL'S NAME will be associated with this election.

How cool is that!

This veteran needed to work with his service dog so Lowe's hired them both

JD Wed, 12/07/2016 - 14:32

A Lowe's hardware store in Abilene, Texas, is feeling the praise online after hiring a veteran and his service dog.

Air Force veteran Clay Luthy was having difficulty finding a job due to his service dog named Charlotte, who accompanies him at all times. But while other companies were unable to hire Luthy and Charlotte, the hardware store stepped in and offered the two a job.

Tune of the day

Isabella sj Sun, 12/04/2016 - 05:31

Merry day, Merry Christmas and I'll never, ever and never have said "Happy Holidays". And I'll stick with that. Hold on to that.

it would be smudge pot on Hep-C and news

old_creep Sat, 11/19/2016 - 03:13

Smudge Pot extends greetings to his people and hips them on how we can beat Hep-C
