The 2018 Met Gala: Because the Industry Loves Blasphemy

celeste B Wed, 05/09/2018 - 12:51

The theme of the 2018 Met Gala was Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination. The title itself – which uses the expression “heavenly bodies” to allude to the sexy celebrities the masses lust for – perfectly encapsulates the philosophy behind this fashion event. It is about using symbolism associated with the holy, the spiritual and the divine and applying it to a fashion show that is about the exact opposite: Opulent materialism, crass sexuality, and desecration of the sacred.

How Did They Build These Walls? Machu Picchu - The Part They DON'T Teach in School - Lost Ancient Technology

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 05/09/2018 - 10:01

Yeas ago when I started to wake up to the illusion of political and economic history, the logic spilled over to other areas. Ancient human history is one of them.

Also check out Brien Foerster
