Democrats Brought A Gun To A Knife Fight, And They Still Lost

JD Thu, 12/22/2016 - 11:41

In the same article, the NYT reporters acknowledge that “[t]he extent of Republican unity to date is attributable to some degree to Democratic missteps.” This seems to be Times-speak for incidents like President Obama dismissing GOP concerns over his stimulus proposal by saying, “I won.” Or the healthcare summit where Obama told Sen. John McCain,”the election is over.”

Kellyanne Conway to join the Trump White House as counselor to the president

JD Thu, 12/22/2016 - 09:21

Kellyanne Conway for POTUS after Trump.

Kellyanne Conway, the Republican pollster and strategist who helped steady Donald Trump’s insurgent bid for the presidency, will officially join his White House team, serving as counselor to the incoming president.

Dreamers prepare for fight against Trump

JD Thu, 12/22/2016 - 09:14

WARNING: This information comes from CNN and has a very high probability of being FAKE NEWS.
(CNN)It's a fight President-elect Donald Trump might not see coming.

Buy American, By Americans, For Americans FIRST. Americanism not Globalism is our Credo

Isabella sj Thu, 12/22/2016 - 05:36

"White House National Trade Council, to be headed by Peter Navarro, a hard-line critic of China".

Merry Christmas to everyone here and around here. I pray to God that this idea does work. I pray for all that are unemployed and underemployed that the American Renaissance provides opportunities needed to recover from the last 20 years of Globalism.

More Ships, More Ships, More Ships?

Isabella sj Thu, 12/22/2016 - 05:23

Could this be the reason DT says we have to build more ships? I wonder, if we are supposedly broke; Where's the money going to come from? Are we going gold? I hope so. Are we really broke? What did Ron Paul ask once? Who do we owe this money to? Where did this "debt" come from?

Greece still wonders how come money the bankers stole became the people's debt?

Death by China

Isabella sj Thu, 12/22/2016 - 05:17

Navarro is DT's choice

Crouching Tiger Episode 1: Will There Be War With China?

About Peter Navarro:


pawnstorm12 Thu, 12/22/2016 - 04:12


Dr. Paul received one vote in Texas (along with one for Kasich).

It means Trump ends up with 304 electoral votes rather than the 306 he won in the election.

NO ONE ELSE besides Paul, Kasich and Trump (nationwide) received any electoral votes from a state which went for Trump.

This means that the record will show (for the rest of history) that RON PAUL'S NAME will be associated with this election.

How cool is that!

Now Avaiable Trump Playing Cards

JD Wed, 12/21/2016 - 21:13
