Would a Rand Paul or GOP commercial placed right before the showing of the movie "13 Hours" in theaters be considered in bad taste?

ecard71 Sat, 01/23/2016 - 14:53
Yes, it's in extremely bad taste to take advantage of this atrocity for political motive..
0% (0 votes)
Yes, but necessary to reach those that would not be reached otherwise.
11% (2 votes)
No, this election is too important and voters should be aware of Hillary's specific role.
72% (13 votes)
No, and the campaign dropped the ball by not introducing Rand to voters that may not know who he is, or presently running.
17% (3 votes)
The Republican party should have, not Rand's campaign. Politics is a dirty business.
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 18




How many people (your family, friends, co-workers, etc) that "like" Hillary, actually know Hillary or keep up with politics? How many are simply voting for her simply because she's a woman, and are completely unaware (or could care less) of Benghazi & her email scandals for example?

It's pretty obvious that Rand, while questioning Hillary regarding weapons to Turkey, knew what the truth was. His look said it all and knew this would come back to bite Hillary. Again, some voters are either oblivious or simply don't care.

Should the campaign have taken advantage of the subject matter in this movie by editing a 3 minute commercial right before the movie begins? Or, could this have backfired and be considered disrespectful and in poor taste? Both???

Maybe it was the Republican party that dropped the ball here and not Rand's campaign? The GOP could have shown an edited version of this clip where Hillary intentionally lied to the American public:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUObFqU5cgE  (as well as the clip where she lied to Congress about the arms to Turkey)

So......"What difference does it make?"


13 Hours trailer:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MBjAN7jqsQ

Rand questioning Hillary:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBkF8-XDA9I

Rand catching Hillary lying to Congress:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR5dH_DFJ7s

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