American Left Adopts Taliban Tactics in Destruction of Historical Icons

JD Thu, 08/17/2017 - 15:36

As the American left targets historical icons for removal and/or destruction, one is reminded of the way the Taliban destroyed centuries-old Buddhist statues and the Islamic State’s ongoing violence against Christian churches and landmarks.

In short, the American left, the Taliban, and the Islamic State (ISIS) hold two things in common. First, an inability to appreciate the whole of history as it happened, which includes good times and bad. And secondly, a tendency to express this lack of appreciation via violence and destruction.

For example, on March 12, 2001, the Telegraph reported that “the world’s two largest standing Buddhas – one of them 165ft high – were blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan.” The statues were 1,700 years old, yet the Taliban “drilled holes into the torsos of the two statues and then placed dynamite charges inside the holes to blow them up.”

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