California breaks the electoral scale: It still has more votes to count than were cast in 34 states

JD Mon, 11/21/2016 - 22:24

WARNING: this information comes from MSM, It has a great possibility of being FAKE NEWS

YouGov's Will Jordan made an interesting observation over the weekend: California, the nation's largest state and home to 12 percent of its population, still has more ballots to count than were cast in 34 states and Washington, D.C.

Unsurprisingly, California is already recording more votes cast than any other state, according to U.S. Election Atlas. But the 2.8 million ballots left to count are more than were cast in Wyoming, Alaska, D.C., Vermont, the Dakotas, Hawaii and Delaware combined. Not all will be valid ballots, but most should be, further extending Hillary Clinton's 1.7 million-vote lead in the national popular vote.

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jay's picture

As a number of poll workers have pointed out, the final popular vote will never be known. Why? First, it's the electoral vote that counts and second, the counting in a number of districts stops once there's a majority of votes cast for a candidate that can not be overturned by the remainder of uncounted votes. That is, if the first place candidate is ahead of the 2nd place candidate 100 counted votes to 55 votes and there are 40 uncounted votes, why bother counting them?

Isabella sj's picture

What is the meaning of delusional?

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