JD Wed, 11/02/2016 - 14:51

This is already available in most systems. Laws are already on the books to authorize you to do this. It costs almost nothing and enables almost everyone to authenticate computerized voting system results. All that remains is cooperation (or court-ordered coercion) of public officials to force them to honor your rights.
It is a one-two punch which makes it very difficult to tamper with results without detection – no matter who administers the system, what vendors they use, or who gets their hands on the computer code. If you do this, it won’t matter if it’s the Russians or some local good ol’ boy sticking hands into the system, because you can catch them.

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jay's picture

InfoWars is right to question the integrity of the voting system but they are extremely short on solutions. They seem to propose paper ballots over voting machines but that's a non solution that's also vulnerable to ballot counting fraud, ballot stuffing fraud, ballot box switching fraud, etc. Paper ballots are ridiculously easy to forge and the system is still centralized and completely non-transparent.

As I've mentioned before, blockchain technology solves these problems and more with a fully transparent, fully auditible by all voters, fully decentralized and non-hackable voting system where ballots are nearly impossible to forge and its not possible to double vote. I go into more detail here:

The folks are furthest along in developing a decentralized blockchain-based voting system. The alpha version of their software was released last Aug. Lots and lots of good info at:

Isabella sj's picture

saving money and a verifiable system. Question: If the internet of things makes everything hackable and the gov. has a kill switch. How would electronic voting be safe and secure? According to Julian Assange, in the world we live in voting electronically or just counting votes is crazy.

Remember the case when the cops took bitcoins from a supposed criminal and then auctioned them for profit. Not the gov. but the cops personal profit?

I have yet to understand how something we can't physically touch has any value specifically when the gov. is able to manipulate and steal. Gold, I can touch......

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.