Wikileaks released emails are verified.

Isabella sj Wed, 10/26/2016 - 04:48

They do look and sound dumb. They do think everyone's "Stupid". And they do not realize we are not.

"The trick is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures. DKIM was a system set up a while back to try to fight spam by cryptographically proving that the account that says it sent the mail actually sent the email in question. Not all email systems use DKIM, but does use it, which is great for transparency, but bad for Donna Brazile." and all other clowns defending the conspIracy which ARE actually FACTS.

In other news: Do not keep your assets anywhere the DOJ can octopus on them. Here in this video: How the DOJ stole all of Kimdotcom's assets. Deplorable DOJ

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