DT's accomplishments so far. RESTORE THE REPUBLIC! revised X 4

Isabella sj Tue, 08/16/2016 - 10:31

He says he hasn't started yet. Can't wait to see how he kicks the circus out of town. If only he would say. NO MORE DRONES, NDAA, RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION, RESTORE THE REPUBLIC, END THE FED, BRING THE TROOPS HOME. SHUT DOWN BASES AROUND THE WORLD. If only he named Ron Paul at the Dept. of State or Chief of Staff or something like that and Judge Napolitano to the Supreme Court. NO MORE WARS.

"AMERICANISM NOT GLOBALISM WILL BE OUR CREDO" I think I'm loving this slogan more and more.

. 28 pages released but still full of toner,
. Dismantling advertised polls rating with huge attendance at rallies
. NATO rethinks what their mission is
. Spreading love for Russia denying the propaganda to keep selling hate against Russia AND STOPPING WW4 (3 was cold war)
. Free advertising with controversial strategy,
. Anointed by religious groups, Border Patrol, good ole' coal and others.
. Attended National Builders meeting and it appeared well received.
. Crowds yell "Lock Her UP" and no one can stop it. Indictment by the PEOPLE
. Daring the Just-ice dept to come out of the closet right along with all the traitors of this great nation. The Dumb A's even sign their name to a piece of paper supporting a "criminal" traitor running for the kingdom of doom.
. Gang of 8 and then some Republicans come out of the closet and join the Dems.
. Using Bernie's words against the "nominee".
. Dismantling the Democratic Dept. of doom. 4 quits and counting.
. Dismantling the media and uncovering the lies they sell. Ratings down. cnn lowest less than 639,000 and MSNBC 564,000
. Media begging for advertising dollars.
. More people join the RNC
. Gary Johnson is surging on polls and money collected
. Bernie's kids heart broken and joining the "movement"
. Educating about the disaster that immigration has become. It is a tool to destroy this nation. PERIOD.
. Muslims coming out and speaking against radicals that have nothing to do with their religion. Mental is mental. Watch video recently posted. Stop using religion it is not working.

* Minorities waking up and speaking. Not as dumb as the "masters" have thought. Message to blacks "What do you have to loose?" The time is ripe for Ron Paul education! YESA!

. Dozens of Companies Withdraw Funding from RNC as Trump Headed to Nomination. DT FIRES LOBBYISTS! https://youtu.be/gyV5Rmx-Eq4 DEMOCRACY NOW

** convince a Mexican president that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) needs to be changed. No president has been able to do that in 22 years! (able or desired to do so is the question)

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I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more. https://youtu.be/3eA4OHW8v2k https://youtu.be/mgm8qYEFKwc