The Ron Paul Liberty Report

JD Wed, 03/02/2022 - 17:24
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"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"– Ron Paul


tpreitzel's picture

Pro-Russian official found dead. Maybe, the invading Russians killed one of their own. Maybe, shrapnel from a Russian bomb killed him accidentially. Maybe, we need more psychotic neo-cons in the US Congress and media. Maybe, the sun won't rise tomorrow morning somewhere. According to the lying media, "heroic" Ukrainians are just fighting for their homeland by exterminating elected officials favorable to Russia. Russia and Ukraine are bound culturally and historically, neo-con fools. Ah, Ukrainians would never try to exterminate Russian influence in their country, the lying media would like us to believe. I include alternative media as well. Lying is a way of life with modern "journalists". Good Lord, I hate them all with few exceptions. Thank God for Ben Swann.

tpreitzel's picture

on the money regarding foreign policy, or entanglements. Look at all the neo-cons in the GOP which thankfully are exposing themselves over Ukraine so they can ultimately be removed. These neo-cons are patently dangerous to the USA. We have no national interest in the Ukraine or any other country with the possible exception of those countries bordering our own. Although more difficult to contain, even hypersonic missiles and nuclear submarines can be located and potentially neutralized. Sound familiar? In war, there will be collateral damage unfortunately. Maybe, NATO should have been more sensitive to Russia's objections to NATO encroachment on its borders decades ago. Again, the USA needs to butt out of Russia's intrusion into Ukraine. I couldn't give a flip whether Trump or any neo-con crazy like L. Graham agrees. Get out of Ukraine. Get out of NATO! Enough of this madness. A red wave in 2022 won't matter much if the US Congress is filled with more neo-con nutjobs. We must rid the US Congress of these neo-con crazies.

P.S. I'm certainly not afraid to use nuclear weapons if necessary. China's bioweapon might justify such use as a last resort. Someone in China needs to throw the heads of CCP's leaders who were behind the development and release of COVID-19 over their Great Wall for the world to verify or suffer the dire consequences of this horrific act of war on the world. Russia's strategic invasion of Ukraine doesn't even remotely qualify.