Ken O'Keefe with guest Christopher Bollyn - "What is the gift of 9/11?"

StandUp4Liberty Sat, 06/06/2020 - 06:19

America is in serious trouble and it's no accident. The same deceptive forces behind 9/11 and the controlled mainstream media (MSM) for decades have been setting the stage to divide and conquer us. These same forces are now fanning the flames of racial tension tearing American apart. Understanding who and the deception of 9/11 is fundamentally important to understanding what is going on today. It is "the gift" of understanding 9/11 that allows us to see the wizard behind the curtain. Once this happens you can break the spell and take back your mind and adjust your perception. Once you have this "forbidden knowledge" we must share and take "peaceful" action. Focus on the MSM. These are not just names of corporations out there somewhere in TV land. They are the sum of real people who own, finace and manage them. It's these people who all share a common link that are actually attacking, dividing, creating racial hatred, hiding truths, covering up for one another, misdirecting, out right lying and destroying our country by proxy through the weaponized media technology that we invite into our homes and minds. This is Psychological Warfare! Reject the media propaganda, use your God given ability of critical thinking. Tell yourself and your loved ones "we are not going to take this BS any longer". You deserve better and you're not going to let them rob you of you livelihood and pursuit of happines. What are you going to do, move to a different country? Good luck. Running away will not solve the problem, this is it! Failure is not an option. Remember we are The "United" States Of America, not divided. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to talk about this. If some of the information in this video is new or shocking to you, good. You are the person who needs it the most. I'm about 12 years ahead of you, you will be ok. So you get it, now what? You're obviously not the problem. Go help someone who needs to understand this.

In Peace, Love & Liberty,

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."