What is the best way to get pastors to open their churches? Part 2!

D4L Mon, 05/04/2020 - 02:06

So God answered my question a little bit ago with this video which I took and used with the following message to send to a handful of churches through either their website or facebook. If anyone wishes to use it to follow suit by all means have at it!

Dear (fill in the blank), I noticed your church is closed due to government "orders" and would like to pose the question: why? do rights come from God or from government? I would like to share this with you and urge you to reopen asap! God bless!

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 Chuck was the Constitution Party nominee in 2012.  Timothy Baldwin has first author listing on their book, which is well researched. Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission, is published by Liberty Defense League and can be ordered at:


Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9