9/11 Trump Says "Bombs Exploded" In Building Or Plane, Just Plane Cant Bring Down Tower

Freedom Express Sun, 09/22/2019 - 03:04

This obviously, was before he knew who was behind it, especially when it would hinder his desire to be President, and the anti-Constitution actions by Bush/Obama to trend to Emperor, he could sieze.

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But if he were to come right out an say what he knows... he would be dead in less than a week. So he must use wisdom and prayer to figure out what to do about the biggest crime against this nation since JFK was murdered .

"I predict a Donald Trump landslide"

pawnstorm12's picture

...quit kissing Israel's ass at every turn....when they were really the ones behind the 9/11 planning I believe.

If we do not begin to regocnize the all-powerful hold Israel has on our government, our foreign policy and war-mongering policies, we are going to wake up one day in a full blown biblical war they desire in that region - answering to Israeli military commanders.

Then we will get "terorism" like we've never seen before right here at home - instituted by the CIA and the Mossad but under cover of "Radical" Islam.

The United States has LOST ITS SOVEREIGNTY to that little piece of crap, illegitimate and RACIST "state" to which our entire congress swears allegiance OVER the very country they represent.

Hell, it's right there in the republican party platforms that it is our "obligation" to serve and protect the state of Israel.

And it's 100% pervasive in the right wing media like FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Lars Larson, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly etc, etc, etc.

THAT IS TRAITOROUS to put any other country before the United States.

Between our congress, president, Right WIng Media, CIA and the Mossad, we are SCREWED as U.S. citizens - not safe anywhere - neither at home or abroad.

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul